
The problem is the frat and sorority system. Ban them all. Why should colleges promote party clubs that act like they’re better than everyone else?

Honestly what the f do you think the industry does for extras?

Zero gravity slowly kills you anyway so not sure why it’s good

What do you expect from a company who’s cares lose 90% of their value over their short lifetimes?

How do you feel about all the unvaccinnated children as a result of her giving Jenny McCarthy a platform?

She’s hosted Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil and Dr. Jenny McCarthy...

Did she dedicate it to Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil?

Perhaps it’s San Francisco’s crazy market but that sounds absolutely reasonable for a full flour NYC apartment with private elevator

Ah “Democracy” in action

I can’t imagine caring what a waiter thinks of me eating alone. It’s their job to bring me food. I’ll treat them like a fellow human, they’ll treat me like a human, and everybody will be happy.

My parents made burgers on it a few times. They turned out greyish.

Does this count house equity?

I find women like it when you show that people know you personally

Drinks or coffee for first date.

2 dates a week every week is assuming none of them will work out and you won’t want to see someone again...

Move on people. Jebus.

TO those of us that don’t celebrate Christmas, all Christmas songs suck to some degree. PLus many were written by Jews lol

Santa is an Immortal Wizard that’s also a Christian Saint. He can’t die.

Was a good movie, but what did it have in common with Die Hard? Absolutely nothing.