It started out when I was only a child. I learned how to cook, so I could make my own baked macaroni and cheese. Golden, three cheese with a bread crumb and paprika crust on top…
It started out when I was only a child. I learned how to cook, so I could make my own baked macaroni and cheese. Golden, three cheese with a bread crumb and paprika crust on top…
THIS. Having planned a wedding last year and been in my sister’s this year, THIS.
there are way worse people.
More Confidence
Uncooth is already an adjective.
Interestingly, it comes from a family of adjectives that add “th” to the end to make nouns. Long > length. Warm > warmth. Strong > strength.
The female dinosaurs who talk to each other seem to be talking about eating men. So I think that’s a no on the Bechdel test but still feminist.
I love that tempura mix! Add some ice to the batter to make sure it’s really cold when you dip the veggies in. Also, add a little sesame oil to the oil you’re deep frying in. Makes a difference.
Me too...If you want to up your game (which, if you don’t no judgement, truly...I support you) Tillman’s farm makes maraschino cherries that are made with sugar (not hfcs) and natural red dyes (beets maybe?) but still have that fakeola cherry zing that I love so much.
Pshh, I'm a man's man and I never fall for cuteness stories.
Hmm... this has me thinking that a goth-themed cafe, with appropriately dressed baristas, would be a great money-maker. Especially if you deliberately went overboard for humor value.
Wow, this comment is a lot like how I play golf: all over the place, clunky, full of misplaced anger at forces beyond my control or understanding, and possibly drunk.
I like to imagine that these are not monks, but a bunch of Dementors (or perhaps Nazgul) blowing off steam after a hard day of spreading suffering and hopelessness to wizard/elven/hobbit/human/muggle-kind.
actually, that's a great idea. if you have bear arms, you can rip out their throats when necessary.