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No matter what they choose, this will forever be the new Bond theme in my heart.

I will also take it. Is there a word for a skirt-cape? Scape? Whatever it is, I'm firmly team #TeamScape. It's like a bustle, but SLEEK.

The right expression, the right makeup. It'll work every time.

Ballroom dancing, for me, was an important learning experience about leading/following and what it means to me. Leaders pick the direction and the steps, followers match and elaborate on it. Leaders bear the burden of understanding their partners needs and abilities. Followers get the transcendent experience of

Oooh, what potential for old-timey intrigues! But seriously, they should raise both as crown royals (regardless of gender, dammit) and then, when they turn 18, have an old fashioned War of Succession. Or, if the army isn't up for it, just do a sealed-deck Magic the Gathering game to determine succession instead.

Oooh, my goodness. I used to work right next to there. That's Emeryville CA, it's the refurbished warehouse/trendy housing/West-Oakland-spillover-crime district right across from San Francisco. It's also where Pixar is, and now I'm imagining a Pixar animator writing this ad.

That's the Bora Bora St. Regis? Well, suddenly I'm more on board with this plan.

Now playing

Being accepting of your partners kinks and limitations, and communicating about them.

Bring back chatelaines! Victorian (and earlier) women had attractive clippy chains to hang from their belts, and you could get modular attachments to hold your keys, spectacles, watch, snuff box, you know, all the little everyday things.

Nah, I need the accent to go with the outfit ;-) Both Greta's and Marlene's voices are divine. (edit to add, OBVIOUSLY Janelle Monae is everything too, but my personal fantasy taste runs to non-american accents)

Yes, ma'am. And all of Greta Garbo's boy-clothes in Queen Christina. Lawdamercy, I do love me a strong European woman in men's formalwear.

I share a name with a very enthusiastically naked British professional model. Anyone searching for nekkid pics of me will get quickly distracted.

In that case, I'll have Mr. GlassesBicepsParrot.

Tall, lacrosse, preppy Clubmaster fashion sense? Are they looking for Sterling Archer? Because I ...approve.

So I was doing historical craft research today, and found this little gem from Godey's Ladies Book, a super-popular womens magazine from 1880

What if there were Dementors, and the creepy guy was just trying to summon a Patronus? *ewwwwwwwwwww*

It's a gross and threatening act, not a Dementor attack. I don't think chocolate works for everything.

And I hate Neal Stephenson. (love his world-building, hate the writing, plot and 'characters'). If we're going to demand that people read things, I demand you read Zunshine's Why We Read Fiction! Humans read things for a remarkably wide range of psychological needs and wants and demanding that someone else like your

You know what goes with those? This lobster gelatin that I made, which, despite what everyone else in the world thinks, LOOKS JUST LIKE A LOBSTER AND NOT ANYTHING ELSE. And it was delicious.

I don't even partake, and my first thought was: "Pretzels? How about some of them peanut butter- filled ones, like you can buy in the giant Costco bins!" See, this is why I can't smoke.