Han Soto

Matt Harvey

Nats fan living in Michigan, can confirm that Tigers tickets on primary and secondary market are more expensive than Nats tickets, even though the team and stadium are inferior (except for all the kid-friendly stuff at Comerica, which is fantastic). When Nats were in town, I got a seat six rows behind visitors dugout


I think it’s “Awww my tears are tasty”?

The War on Christmas

Your original question was “Is Harris in the group of candidates that will cause the media to claim Russian interference in the primaries?” and the answer is “Yes because the Russians are already interfering in the primaries and being amplified by the president’s children

Don Jr literally retweeted a Russian bot tweet during the debate last night

This is going to be so awesome when they only feed him internal polls showing him winning and then on election night he loses and points to his internal polls to claim the election is a fraud and then refuses to step down. The Democrats are super-prepared for this scenario, no doubt they will start drafting a stern

He could take the player option and get paid the best new contract salary in history for someone doing a rehab year.

The MAGA takes on this make me excited for Vince McMahon’s inevitable Mano? a Mano? race between CeCe Telfer and Caster Semenya

The polite thing to do is this situation is obviously to force rape victims to carry their babies to term.

Surprised this site is burying the lede on this one. Oklahoma is pursuing law suits and settling for damages because after years of cutting taxes in a GOP fever dream, it doesn’t have enough money to provide actual services for people in need. So it’s suing drug companies to make up the lost revenue.

The Dems ran on health care and deflected on impeachment in 2018 and won. They have decided that is the only way to win in 2020.  Trump could nuke North Korea unprovoked and order Barr to arrest all 37 Dem presidential nominees and the Dem messaging would be “Health care worked in 2018! Focus on Medicaid expansion!”

That’s a pretty negligible risk (~10-20% more Dem infighting than usual) for the potential reward of doing some serious damage a la Benghazi hearings. Not to mention it’s the right thing to do and part of their jobs.

He’s already squawking about victory and persecution on a daily basis, but we’re supposed to be afraid that impeachment and a senate exoneration would... change what exactly

It really is a shame that Dany has no one working for her who controls a multi-continental spy ring.

This is not rocket science. In 2019 the AFC East plays:

The Matrix trilogy follows the exact pattern of the Back to the Future trilogy:

Looks like he’s wearing a hazmatte suit

Off the top of my head