Shit, that was Rocky II.
Shit, that was Rocky II.
And they would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids!
skimming the beach on their ultra-low takeoffs and landings
I had one of those and found it very useful. It would let ya play JRPGs with one hand. It was great for games like Gradius. And that’s about it. For most other games it was awkward and sluggish. But it is still awesome as hell.
This is the only reason I clicked the article and was not disappointed. After all now you are playing with power....
People and their power moves are fucking strange. This has a very “I’m small and need to feed important” vibe to it.
The choice of logo is somewhat... awkward.
If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?
Everything’s a good idea when you’re running out of ideas
I clearly have no idea what JoJos bizarre adventure was about. I thought it was beefy hunky men dressed in high fashion outfits beating each other up.
Then you work for extremely incompetent employers. Any employer of even the most marginal competence can find an alternative reason to punish you with minimal effort. This of course ranges from things as subtle as denying a raise or even just giving you annoying assignments to outright finding a plausible if petty…
If you’re a federal, state, or local employee, you probably enjoy greater protections for political speech than you would if you’re a private employee.
So, in this case, Texas isn’t breaking down the door to execute her? WTF?
That is EXACTLY what I was thinking of.
Next you are going to tell me that the totally real 90's Shazaam! movie staring Sinbad does not, in fact, exist.
I bet her Chemistry teacher was thinking “omg I had an impact”
Of course you equate excellence with being caucasian...
I thought she just did…
They took his home his kids and his land for worthless beads? No? Then you have no idea what you are talking about.
Not sure who she is writing for, but can tell you who will buy this book. Its middle class-wealthy, Conservative, college-educated, Christian women. They are hair stylists, event planners, stay at home moms, interior decorators, and women involved in those weird FB pyramid schemes for candles and supplements. Most are…