Hannibal the Cannibal

The lesson is to not part ways with money you don’t mind never seeing again. That’s how it’s always been with crowdfunding.

They’re a business. They’ll keep going as long as people keep buying. If you want them to stop then tell people to stop buying.

To be fair, we all wish that

Also knows as: spending enough time with family to get them to leave you alone.

You’re suggesting purchasing cheap replacement batteries on a thread about a battery recall?

Mark Hamill has read some of his tweets as the Joker... so, you’re not far off?

I’ve been saying for months that Trump is literally a comic book villain.

No you see, what you do is buy that and then just say it’s comparable until everyone starts believing it.

Just like we should apparently retire “no one” because no one can spell it. Same goes for subordinate clauses starting with “because” pretending to be complete sentences.

I just want to say a big thank you to whoever finally removed that god awful fish with teeth devil-thing that was haunting my “you might also like” bar on the left. THANK YOU!

A quietly reported fact about this story, is that much like the ambassador assassination the other day, the driver was caught shouting something before the encounter began. Sources claim it’s along the lines of “Skyrim belongs to the Nords”

Completely right as a matter of fact. I saw some interviews the day of the election. One person was asked why she voted for Trompas, and the only thing she could come up with is that he talks like “the people she knows.” Her only excuse was because he was crass and pandering to the lowest common denominator.

He’s not wrong. The people who are willing to look past Trump bragging about committing sexual assault because he promised them that The Steel Mill Will Reopen! weren’t going to be dissuaded by him saying “n****r”—in part because so many of them use the word themselves.

“I don’t think so…I think they would have liked him more, the people. For being politically incorrect.”

I assume it’s contingency in case POTUS needed to be scooped out of NYC in a hurry.

Or Donald Trump requested they do a few passes fro multiple angles to see if anyone can tell it is a combover.

Well obviously it’s covering Manhattan in chemtrails.

Trump is totally behaving like his company made some groundbreaking discovery of something mystical and powerful in Russia and him and Putin put a plan together, so the two of them could be the ones to unveil it before the world. Are we guessing Aliens? Thor’s hammer? Giants? The original Necronomicon? A living

except they do, freaky as fuck