Being able to love your job is a rare privilege, and one most commonly acquired by possessing a sufficiently obscene amount of money as to be able to pick and choose where, when, and how one wants to work.
Being able to love your job is a rare privilege, and one most commonly acquired by possessing a sufficiently obscene amount of money as to be able to pick and choose where, when, and how one wants to work.
Every time I see Bradley Cooper, I'm overcome with an inescapable feeling that the man oozes sleaze. I really can't explain it: I can't think of any other actor that I have the same reaction with. There's just something about him that I can't quite put my finger on.
Were you not taught that a woman's body possesses powerful innate hypnotic properties? The mere thought of it is sufficient to plunge men into a deep, mesmerized state that leaves them extremely susceptible to suggestion.
It truly warms the cockles of my heart to know that some things will never change, no matter where in the world you are.
But, like, couldn't he be his own action-adventure hero with a fun hat and inconvenient phobia?
Last Crusade is absolutely the best of the lot.
feminist Iranian vampire Western film
You'll never know unless you ask!
I'd really like to know how the conversation between your cousin and that guy went. Especially when he got to the blue bow part.
It's a bit bigger than it looks - it seems to have a large outdoor area, as well. 11,000 square meters, total.
I'm quite happy with it the way it is, myself. Not calling attention to the attitude will just allow it to continue to spread unchecked and unopposed. If we don't call them out on it, then we just make it that much easier for them to spread their vileness.
The answer to your question is and will always be a resounding yes.
It means you eat alone 100% of the time. Done it all my life. I prefer it that way: there's no reason it has to be a group activity.
I do not understand average book review scores. I feel like they must be using a completely different count system from what I'm accustomed to, where a 5-point scale actually only includes numbers from 3 and up.
6'3" he is.
One thing I like to see in any website, for women or really any other topic, is a general occasional "state of affairs" sort of summary. The good news with the bad. The progress and the setbacks. The updates and follow-ups to older stories. The things to celebrate and the things to start getting the pitchforks and…
I really, really wonder about those. It's so jarring that you have to question whether they made a mistake and just picked the wrong thing, sometimes.
Fair point. There are precisely 7 users within 25 kilometers of me and 15 within 50, so the distance usually involved in any potential match probably leaves me inclined to stricter filters and standards.
At least online you don't have to wait for someone to open their mouth before you figure out it's time to run far, far away.