Hannibal the Cannibal

Now I feel like that should be a euphemism for something. I'm going to start using it as a euphemism.

Hard to do that when one is dead.


Virginity isn't a permanent condition!

Well, there's an hour you'll never get back. At least it was...educational?

I prefer the original Latin, personally. Memento mori.

"coming weeks"? Try the last few hours.

Literally all you have to do to get laid is put yourself in social situations, and not act like a total creep. Someone, somewhere will be willing to have sex with you at least once.

Look forward to another couple months of "Do You Know a Quiet Person? They May Be a Mass Murderer in the Making" headlines.

But what other reason could men and women possibly have to spend time together? I can't think of one, can you?

I'm pretty sure death is fairer than life: it comes for everyone, equally, eventually, without prejudice or bias. The only thing that alters the timing is life.

Wizardchan is a community for male virgins, who refer to themselves as wizards and others as "normies."

I feel like "woman alone" should be a thing. "Women alone," I like the sound of it.

I'm sure they shooting to break their personal record for [Most Bare Breasts Visible In One Frame].

Are You Better At Dating Than a 4th Grader?

We tried banishing them to another dimension. Instead we created the internet.

Tragedy always draws out the bottomfeeders looking to make a quick dollar.

Dating coach, not service. That's the title PUAs trying to sell themselves as instructors use, these days.