Hannibal the Cannibal

Or, alternatively, that due to lingering gender roles, they're not as comfortable with the arrangement as they thought they'd be. It's something I've heard come up more than a few times, that the working half of the couple wasn't able to respect the other half as much now that they were supporting them.

Some people can be very particular when it comes to gifts and what qualifies as one, particularly the issues of who paid for it, and how. It's possible they fall under such an umbrella.

it's possible for any young person in Saudi Arabia to build a successful business

Seriously, this. I would buy this first day out if we were talking about the books. But the show? Not interested.

Fantasy normally doesn't do a whole lot for me. I always make an exception for The Witcher, however. Looking forward to this, greatly.

I'm not sure what exactly I expected to find in that article, but Blade Runner was not it. Almost disappointed there was nothing inspired by Zardoz, though.

Cannot unhear.

I think you're on to something. I like this version of "counting calories" much better than the usual meaning.

His name has come out: Roger Rodas, Walker's financial adviser and business partner (if you search his name, you'll find plenty of mentions).

Statistically-speaking, 20 and up seems to be on the higher end of most scales that have been measured (at least in the reports and studies I've seen). As I recall, most lifetime totals ended up being under 14. Not making any judgments, just commenting on rarity.

Barely recognized him here. I suppose most of the shots I've seen of him before must've been of him doing promotional things for Marvel.


Women playing video games? Preposterous! Surely it is common knowledge by now that the arcane art of manipulating joysticks is a jealously-guarded secret passed down through generations of men, from father to son, with strict instructions that no woman's hands ever be permitted to touch a controller.

He compared their total lifespans with the year they created what is today their most expensive work.

In glorious capitalist Russia, accessory owns you.

Talk about rigor mortis...

I'm afraid that even if you find a way to make it stop, a great many voices outside your head will continue parroting him.

We're not done yet! We still have opposable thumbs going for us.

In the study, 40 heterosexual men in LTRs were shown photos of their partners as well as photos of stranger ladies, all while a dosing themselves with oxytocin (or, alternately, a placebo) via a nasal spray.

At first, I figured it for just another weird study. But now? Now I'm curious.