

doxing self; whatevs

I am sorry, but I rolled my eyes so hard that they may have popped out of my head and are probably spiraling in a mad circle somewhere five feet east of me. The stunning insensitivity towards a foreign culture, the youthful arrogance with which a personal experience is projected to symbolize that of an entire nation

Uff, this is such a terribly condescending article. As an Indian urban woman from a city, I find her tone patronising to say the least. I have no desire to defend the deep patriarchal mindset that most Indian men, and several women, in my country swear by - but c’mon, this is ridiculous. She goes to a semi-urban part

My best friend always used to say that you could shit on my plate and I'd still tip 20%. And it's pretty much true.

I have, on two or three occasions, not left a tip.

Except women are people and lobsters aren't.

That's a good observation. Also, many of these people who have huge, elaborate weddings are all about appearances, and it's bad for your image if you back out of a wedding. I know people getting married soon who consider themselves "society" types and, therefore, think they need the biggest, most expensive,

I am honestly so sick of hearing about everyone's paleo diet. You can't eat a slice of bread in front of one of these yutzes without hearing about omg bread is poison. And cheese is poison. And white potatoes are poison. What ever happened to moderation, eating lots of vegetables and maintaining healthy portions?

Maybe! I've wondered about that. I called off my expensive wedding.

That's kind of what I always thought.

Unfortunately, I can back up this theory with my own experience. I knew a year before my wedding that it wasn't going to last...I didn't want a big wedding, my future ex-husband did (for reasons still unknown), but he spent the year absolutely refusing to help plan this nightmare with me.

Oh, for sure. Very good point.

Wedding ring, ...yeah, um...no comment. Wedding on the beach in Hawaii $6,000. no reception, just a 7 day family vacation in Hawaii. Nearly 8 years later, I still can't get enough of my husband, he still annoys the shit out of me at times but I love him like crazy and I always try to find ways to be a better partner

That reminds me of my biggest flaw playing poker: throwing good money after bad. You've got a shit hand, but you're heavily invested in the pot so it's too hard to cut your losses and walk away.

Isn't that more or less the historical basis for having an expensive engagement ring? It's like a down payment you'll lose if you break the agreement?

My sister and I both had courthouse weddings several years apart. A few years later, our divorce papers were finalized two days apart. Each year, we spend that middle day doing awesome things and in general being happy that we are no longer miserable unto death. On our third divorce-aversary she gave me the

Ah, sweet divorce.