
Too bad someone didn’t give him a Third Reich in the kisser.

I thought it was just slowly melting off.

It’s not all about you. You can be a carrier without getting sick. My husband and I played those odds in 2009 during H1N1 epidemic. We both got sick. I was mildly inconvenienced. He died after 7 weeks in the hospital, 6.5 of those in a coma.

Worth it.

Jeah is the only correct response to this mess.


I demand an apology to capybaras right now!!!


They can feel however they’d like, but their votes count no more or less than they did two hours ago. I’m pretty much over giving a shit about the feelings of people who support Bernie Sanders, because he’s shown himself to be not a good guy with good beliefs trying to do good but a bitter, angry, selfish, and, yes,

RE: Update

I’ve gotta say, as a woman, I’m kind of having a moment right now. My daughter will grow up in a different world than I did and it thrills me.

And those women fought so fucking hard for equality between men and women, the right to vote. This one is for them!!!

No matter how you feel about her, 100 years ago American women didn’t even have the right to vote, so this is pretty cool.

His ego and him being an old, entitled white man who can’t believe he’s being beaten by a woman.

I will never be a Clinton fan and I voted for Bernie in the state primary. That said, Bernie,

the fact that you would tag “lol” on the end of a sentence describing how you think a rape victim should behave and how much responsibility she might have for being raped says all i ever need to know about what sort of person you are. you could be something i scraped off the bottom of my shoe with a grimace on my

I genuinely hope his lawyers appeal this and that at some point the Supreme Court grants cert (which I know they won’t, but a man can dream). When it came to all this Hobby Lobby contraception bullshit, the stance of many of the justices was, “Who are we to say whether a belief is ‘sincerely held’ or not? Petitioners

Yep. This election has highlighted male privilege succinctly.

“Oh, but there’s nuance for everything that Bernie has ever done”, says the Berniebro with his mouth full of day old pizza, and then goes on to explain why Bernie is not to be held responsible for shilling for the NRA for 20 years.

Dogs will be whatever party master is, but dog will not like bad people candidates.