Is slutting it up still allowed?*
Is slutting it up still allowed?*
Did you take those pictures by swallowing a tiny camera?
I'm financially dominated. It's called my mortgage and kids. People pay for this treatment?
Given how unsexy the movie is supposed to be, it must have required a heroic level of commitment just to jill off to it in the first place.
ME TOO. I loved my JNCOs, which I wore after my cool sister was done with them, so totally after the trend. I don't like carpenter cut baggy jeans, but JNCOs are the jean equivalent of an A-line skirt. Totally comfortable, totally fetch.
My ring is made out of organically-grown, free-range lentils and the artisans who made it actually paid me to take it off their hands.
This was a very well thought out and presented story of the atrocities that happened in the Dozier School. I am a former ward of the school (I don't like the word inmate, it sounds so much like prison and I was sentenced there. I was there for running away from an abusive home) I never experienced a real childhood…
I have a daughter her age as well. This is heartbreaking. It makes me hurt that I'm raising her in this kind of world.
If anyone suggests that your opinion is not popular, then can seriously go fuck themselves.
I thought I needed to do this. With five children I was looking at part time work so I could continue to do everything at home as well. But part time work is hard to come by and you hardly ever get to choose what *kind* of work you do if the hours are paramount.
Single mom here, with a perhaps unpopular opinion. My life is actually easier post-divorce. My ex thought he did enough of the house work and child care, but to him that meant giving the baby a bath maybe once a week, doing the dishes once in a blue moon, and running to the store when we ran out of something. I find…
Pants are a tool of oppression by the patriarchy. Let's all rebel and lounge around in underwear.
There's a point to Kinja? Because it's failing miserably. Comments around here were 200x better a couple years ago. Old articles popping up make it all too obvious.
I'm so glad it wasn't a pit. I would have to spend the rest of the day/week explaining the innocence of my own dog. Again.
"... there is nothing that can possibly justify banning a piece of literature."
(the men too, despite their bouts of braggadocio and masculine preening regarding their pick-up skills),
The medical establishment can barely handle a new billing/coding system without imploding. There are no conspiracies because we just don't have the time, the desire or the intention to be malicious. Direct your paranoia to the government and the Illuminati where it belongs.
You know what usually will turn a guy off? Playing games or trying to 'decode' him. Same thing with most women.
You be you, he'll be him and if you wanna fuck him, fuck him. If you don't, then don't. God I am glad to be out of the dating pool. It was so aggravating and upsetting.
I've loved Miss Piggy my whole life. I'd take her lifestyle brand over other celebrities' brand any day. Because you know it will be fabulous.