
I'm an attorney who works in civil litigation...hence my skepticism. Suing to enforce a right is a time consuming, expensive endeavor, even if you can get an attorney to represent you. Don't get me wrong, the law is a good law. What needs to change is not the law but the work culture.

I breastfed largely because I'm lazy and, luckily, my babies were good nursers. It was just sooooo easy to pop the kid on a tit and drowse during the middle of the night. I can't imagine having to sanitize bottles and worry about formula and hauling all that in a diaper bag everywhere, though of course I'm sure I

i haaate when people refer to women/girls as "females". blechyuckbarf.

Maybe stop worrying about how people choose become parents and start worrying about how smug you sound talking about something with which you seem to have zero actual experience.

I'm an American permanent resident in Northern Europe, and to put it bluntly: It's bad because it hurts other people because of the horrible history associated with it. Defending it is like trying to defend the swastika. Period.

Is there going to be a corresponding piece on how Denver is still awesome, despite our team getting destroyed last night?

This is somewhat relevant here: a truly fascinating look by the NYT at how we deal with psychopaths and diagnosing children. There are studies that show you can see signs of psychopathic tendencies in kids as young as 3, but there has also been a general consensus that since we consider psychopathy to be basically an

I'm in the same boat, and I've found that using a Fitbit Flex has made a huge difference for me. Just having the data about my energy input and output has gotten me to live healthier. Plus I had no idea how little water I was drinking.

As an autistic and formerly very-sick person, I'd much rather be autistic than very sick. Vaccines for life (hopefully unless they wear out like the tetanus ones), son!

Young love is terribly fickle,
And has left a poor lass in a pickle.
A warm New Year's kisser,
Turned into a pisser,
Ending not with a bang, but a trickle.

I don't think I studied for the bar as hard as I studied this picture to figure this out.

NEVER has this been more appropriate.

Hello! My name is BlueJeans, and I am fully engaged with meat eating as an ethical decision. Your evangelical rhetoric is exactly "we're better than you!" approach that makes people kneejerk against vegetarians. (BTW, I was a vegetarian for ~4 years before I decided it was more ethical, for my personal part, to eat

I just used the first site to check my beloved body shop makeup. It's not super terrible but I learned that it's made by L'Oreal. Who'd a thunk it? Thanks for posting.