
Would it have been Von Queso-Fresco? If so, I feel like you may have missed an opportunity. ;-)

Virtual hugs from in internet stranger, BrianD. It sucks and I feel you.

Whitemansplaining! Have we coined a new term?

Well if that's wrong I don't wanna be right.

See, I read that as being heavily sarcastic. I’m no fan of hers (I don’t know how any woman can be a member of the GOP without doing some major mental gymnastics) but I thought that comment was spot on.

They are out of control. She’s growing so fast that they are different every day. Currently, the left one is swept over her forehead like she’s in a wind storm.

Arya Bark is pretending to be a bunny!

Why not? I’ve done much worse in both the man and food department.

Bears are also legal in Colorado! Now this makes total sense.


What a lousy non-apology. Is Jim Carrey good at anything anymore? (The answer is no).

How do people not tip?! How is that a thing? Servers work hard and are paid shit. I always tip 20% even for pretty lousy service. I can't fathom not doing it.*

Holy shit. I give that marriage 3 months, tops.

You know I'm not sure? It makes sense though. I always thought it was essentially a down payment to ensure the bride's virginity, but I could just be making that up.

I do actually, my father is a jeweler. I also have a friend (who sadly is in the process of divorcing) who had a 5 karat ring.

I felt actual physical pain for you reading that. I too had those nagging doubts on my wedding day, and I wish I hadn't been such an idiot and had spoken up. Divorce is such a soul-sucking process. It's been 5 years and now I just wish I had done it sooner! Sending healing happy vibes to you!

How about this for theory? People are going to be more hesitant to back out of a potentially bad union post-engagement, pre-wedding if they (or their parents or their soon-to-be inlaws) have paid a boatload of money for a 5 karat diamond, a $10,000 dress, and a non-refundable deposit on a pricey venue. They're

Right? I would not mourn skinny jeans. I don't have the body type and comfy they are not.

I'm...kind of okay with this?

Divorce is not the end of the world. But divorce with children has got to be the most soul-sucking process a person can go through. And it's a gift that keeps on giving for years and years. So yeah, I do think it's ok (and realistic) to go into marriage thinking that divorce is an option if it doesn't work. Where