
As the mother of a 10-year-old girl, fuck these sick fucks. Fuck them so much. Fuck them with every fiber of my being.

Aww, poor Stella.

I like you!!!

OK, so every morning, I drink coffee, wait 10 minutes, go to the bathroom, and bam, 60 seconds (or less!) later, I am good to go. No special equipment needed. Every goddamn day. So who are these people who have such pooping issues? Am I just really blessed?

Nearby, Angela Solorzano, a nanny from Echo Park, was watching two West Hollywood children as they ran around the park's existing playground.

Exactly. I'm sure Amy would have told him to fuck right off if it was a problem. According to Tina Fey she had no problem telling Jimmy Fallon off in the SNL writing room, so I have no concerns that she would have stood up for herself in this situation if it was necessary (reason #44 she's awesome).

As a person who owns a friendly and well-behaved dog...I couldn't agree with you more. It's usually those dogs that end up trying to attack my (appropriately leashed) dog at the park. Can I also add to the asshole list people who bring poorly socialized dog-agressive dogs to dog parks?

Exactly! I tried reporting her inappropriate behavior to HR, but she is undeterred.

I swear, it's like you KNOW her.

I need this.

That's not true. I breastfed, and it wasn't painful. I also think it actually saved me time overall (time that I could use for SLEEPING) since I didn't have to buy formula, mix it, heat it, or wash and sterilize bottles—I just made milk, and washed all the necessary feeding equipment in the shower. It was a great

[redacted, sorry, responded to the wrong post]

Awww! Who's a good boy? Who's a goooooood boy?! You are Troy, yes you ARE a good boy!

I think it enhances the (quite feminine) shape of her face.

Yes! Aspirin, water, maybe a little honey if you are feeling fancy.

We are. Our awesome transcends football. And at least we have lots of sunshine.

I second Fitbit! I got one a few weeks ago and it has really increased my mindfulness about my sleep, what I eat, drinking water, and moving my butt. So far it is helping with weight loss too. Love it!

I'm feeling ALL the feelings. That was just lovely.

WRONG. The point of your post was not "occasionally a false accusation is made and it sucks for everyone involved." If that was the case, you would have said "occasionally a false accusation is made and it sucks for everyone involved." And duh, of course that's true. That is true about a false accusation of ANY crime.