
Um, cool story, bro.

Give up the silly stigma. I never had trouble meeting people IRL, but I met my current wonderful boyfriend through OKC and he's the best relationship I've ever had by far. And if you still aren't comfortable with someday potentially having to fess up that you met online, just lie and say you met doing court-ordered

I agree. Also, for the record, I think we can all agree that this woman and her party are beyond gross.

I appreciate your perspective!

[sorry, double post]

I don't think you are seeing the distinction, though. It's definitely cultural appropriation for me to wear a Native American headdress or carry a Maasai chief stick. Those things have specific cultural symbolism and significance, and would be taken outside of their rightful context if worn to a theme party by

Honest question here, as I am not a sociologist nor do I play one on TV: If you are NOT using the cultural elements you are borrowing to define your image (for example, white people who wear dreadlocks, or get Chinese character tattoos, or Miley Cyrus using elements of African-American culture to create a new

Nope, that's a dog-call. :)

I could watch that ALL DAY LONG.

Oh. My. Gosh. I had no idea "On the Counter" existed! I got mine at 40% off and I thought I was doing well! I will be all over that at the end of the season....

Land's End cashmere cardigans! They are the best, affordable, last forever, and go with anything. I also hand wash mine, so they stay soft and wonderful and I don't have to go to the dry cleaner (I hate the dry cleaner). No, it won't complete your life, but you'll thank me later I promise.

He's willing to do a Starbucks run and he makes good toast? Coffee maker or not, sounds like a keeper to me! :)

Morning sex, then he brings me coffee. Everyone wins and I don't even have to get out of bed!

You're right, her looks don't matter, though personally I'll be thrilled to look that good at 65! I just can't get over the fact that these people think anyone—least of all Hillary Clinton—cares what a bunch of illiterate republican lackeys think about her body.

Wow, that's so fucking clever. A 65 year old woman isn't sexy, ooooh, buuuurn!
I mean really republicans, is that the best you've got?

The new rule is eat whatever you want—but for God's sake, STFU about it, because nobody cares.* There is nothing on earth that makes you more of a bore than droning on about your diet. I don't care that you're on your 5th Ayurvedic cleanse this month and can only eat mung beans and drink water buffalo tears but your

I second the aspirin! It makes your skin feel like a baby's bottom, and it is cheap.

That blog is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in their stupid, rambling, incoherent blog were they even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone is now dumber for having read it. I award them no points, and may God have mercy on their souls.

He's not the only one—my daughter (who is not Mexican) thought they were saying "we're taking Mexican car keys."

I agree. It's entirely appropriate for a lawyer to disagree with the Supreme Court and be vocal about it. It's not ok to resort to name calling. That's just tacky.