
Meanwhile, approximately 7 zillion* equally loving, trainable, social, snuggly, and fetch-playing cats were gassed in shelters because they didn't have a home. I guess they weren't...um...polka-dotted enough? Glad you're happy with your choice, though.

Ugh, it's like you just punched me in the gut.

Winner winner chicken dinner!

As a whole, in general, women all over the world and throughout time have responded to their crying babies. Otherwise we could not have survived as a species. Are you seriously suggesting that this is solely due to culturally programmed responses? It's not solely biology either, but your suggestion that we are

I'm not making this a "real woman" contest. I am just commenting on the reality that pregnancy and childbirth are biological processes with resulting physiological and mental changes. We would not have survived as a species if that process didn't, at least to some extent, involve responding to infants—and not just

Not all humans can agree that it hurts to have someone stomp on your foot. That doesn't mean there isn't a biological basis for pain.

I think that's what you are reading into it and the value judgment you are placing on it, not what's being claimed.

What's unfeminist about suggesting that women are biologically programmed to "respond" to a crying infant? With all due respect, you are childless, and so you don't really know how that cocktail of pregnancy and birth hormones affect the women (even feminists) physiologically and mentally. And it is true, as a rule,

Ah, you beat me to it.

I'm going to go ahead and agree with you. As a woman, having a baby WILL change you mentally and physically, some women more than others and in differing ways to be sure. Denying this fact isn't "feminist"—it's ridiculous. It's especially ridiculous coming from women who have never been through it. I also find

Please don't fart at work. Really. I know it happens, but just don't.

Yes. I cry when I am happy, sad, angry, frustrated, tired, or relieved. Of course, as an adult, when it happens I attempt to find a place to "take care of it" in private when possible. Sometimes it's not possible, even at work. Shit happens. Why is it hard for some people to understand that, like every other

Tell your employer. It's still unlawful sexual harassment even if its a customer doing the harassing. If your employer is aware the harassment is happening, it is required to take steps to prevent it. You shouldn't have to put up with that.

The "rape" portion of the bill is actually the least horrifying in my opinion. Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that the women having these children while on benefits are selfish trolls who are not raped or otherwise abused, have access to birth control but refuse to use it, and are intentionally impregnating

I am so sorry this happened to you. I am even more dismayed by the bad advice you were given by the EDD. Being fired for not being "pretty enough" or "fuckable" is absolutely against the law—it's discrimination on the basis of sex. I know that it doesn't help you now, but I don't want others to be dissuaded (like you

I want to snuggle the crap out of your adorable dog. That is all.

Yes, finally some motivation to not become obese! Because people are already SUPER motivated to become obese so they can enjoy all the perks. Who doesn't want to be deemed invisible and/or unacceptable by society and face life-threatening health problems, amirite??

I too love the Bath and Body Works soaps. But Method's Hibiscus Flower soap smells similarly AMAZING and has no triclosan. I keep going to wash my hands in my kitchen where I have a bottle just because I like the smell so much.