Hank Wilhelm Scream Jr

I always thought it was Michael Chiklis or something LOL.

HBO’s CEO of tits time to shine!

This one always makes me chuckle. It’s funny because it’s true. It works on so many levels!

Lee Harvey

Nobody tell Ken Bone about this.

Somehow Vision has returned.

This exactly. For example, if you want to hear some of his actual views on Jews, you could, say, listen to him talking for over an hour about it here: https://www.omnibusproject.com/196

And John Hodgman too.

Oh you apparently you haven’t waded very fair into the twitter cesspool. There were people genuinely accusing him of child abuse and that he should be reported to CPS.

This is the first knee-jerk, twitter mob overreaction that’s really gotten to me since I feel like I know John Roderick’s views pretty well from listening to him speak for hundreds of hours. At the very least, better than the twitter mob that have been posting ridiculously misinformed bullshit. Anyone that’s listened

Yeah I can’t stand movies like that, see also 2012. Like I’m supposed to care about this one family making to the “ark” while billions of people are going to die.

Haha, yeah I thought and did the exact same thing, too! I was certain it was a Simpsons reference.

Wouldn’t it be great if the most common drug was mushrooms and not fucking alcohol? Personally I really don’t understand the appeal of any drugs but psychedelics.

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

I post this every time there is new Star Wars content announced. :)

Laconia” is literally in the opening credits, so make of that what you will.

Haven’t you ever heard the old tale of a man who dreamt he was a butterfly and when he awoke he didn’t know if he were a man that dreamt he was a butterfly or a butterfly that was dreaming he was a man.

Well get used to being freaked out by hearing it all the time now, see frequency illusion.

I saw them both walking with the queen.