Hank Wilhelm Scream Jr
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While a corporate twitter account isn’t the best place to discuss philosophical issues (nor is the avclub comment section) I do kind of understand what they were getting at I think:

The sixth book is really the best stopping point for the series anyway given the 30 year time jump to book seven.

Is he a satyr?

That’s not Chevy Chase?

I don’t think he needed to explain that. That comeback is perfect. That was the director’s thoughts assuming that was his apartment.

I never considered that. Oh yeah that’s totally something you would only pick up from hearing the audio and even then could be open to debate depending on how you interpreted his tone. Stupid imprecise language! Regardless of his intended meaning of poor the comment that still seems condescending, although using poor

LOL yeah my wife and I watched an episode and immediately after got the urge to clean our house.

He must be listening to all those commentators on Fox going about how all poors still manage to have a flat screen TV and iPhone (which is why they are poor apparently). Obviously he could tell he was poor because the flat screen TV isn’t big enough.

You forgot the best TV Show finale ever, also starring Michael C Hall ironically enough, Six Feet Under.

Snoke was never cool.

In all fairness, dating Pete Davidson is probably on par with surviving the Holocaust.

No one mention of Amy Sedaris’ character saying “Thank the Force”?

<In the Air Tonight drum solo>

However, Sinistar is still indisputably the scariest arcade game of all time. 

I always love to point out the fact that Michael C Hall was in both the best series finale and the worst.

Not to mention The Right Stuff movie, which is also perfect.

This is why we need ranked choice voting. Dumb fucks like this, as well as people who, say, don’t really like either candidate but realize given only two practical options, they have to vote for the non-insane one, could actually vote for the person they really want without fucking everything up. And who knows maybe

The answer to every question though is “hire a sex worker”

Still waiting for Coupon: The Movie, has that been delayed by COVID again?