“so-called obesity epidemic” Oh for fucks sake, seriously? Like this is up for debate?
“so-called obesity epidemic” Oh for fucks sake, seriously? Like this is up for debate?
More like David Cop-a-feel, am I right?
Yes! It’s like you read my mind. God Emperor and Player of Games.
Leave it to the avclub to not do the slightest bit of research: “19 states have seceded from the Union, while much of the rest of the country is ruled by a tyrannical three-term president”, so not 2 states vs the rest.
Of course not, maybe, but maybe, if touching nuts kills you, you’re suppose to die.
I too have also been less than thrilled about what’s been going on at SNL, for the past 30 years or so.
Also a coloring and activity book.
Whatever happened the movie they were going to make based on the Action Comics #1 that got stolen from Nic Cage? For that matter they could also make a movie about the stolen dinosaur skull he bought too LOL.
He got both Daarios?
Yeah the reviewer’s preferences were pretty much the complete opposite of mine. my initial impressions.
“ So, they’re going to have to set extremely broad conditions for this release, which is unprecedented.”
Well apparently I’m not that smart. I’ve been paying $19.99 a month for Netflix Premium, which means, straight from Netflix’s site: “Watch on 4 different devices at the same time with Premium”. So how was that stealing if my girlfriend or parents want to what something at the same time? Since, you know, I was already…
Explain to me how exactly this stealing. I’m paying for a certain number of simultaneous streaming connections at a time.
It’s so funny the first I heard about this was on that episode of South Park. I thought it was a joke until I looked it up.
Well LSD dolphin is close enough.
Here you go!
Julia Louis Dreyfuss had it right!
Not to mention a complete misunderstanding of exponential growth. Halving the population isn’t going to do jack squat in the long term, nor would doubling resources for that matter.
Eh, I just don’t care anymore if I’m not able to watch something I’ve already seen, and I like not having to deal with the clutter or physical media. I am concerned about *new* viewers not being able to access media not available on streaming.