Hank Wilhelm Scream Jr

“so-called obesity epidemic” Oh for fucks sake, seriously? Like this is up for debate?

More like David Cop-a-feel, am I right?

Yes! It’s like you read my mind. God Emperor and Player of Games.

Hey Doom did take Kang out like a little bitch in the original Secret Wars.

Leave it to the avclub to not do the slightest bit of research: “19 states have seceded from the Union, while much of the rest of the country is ruled by a tyrannical three-term president”, so not 2 states vs the rest.

Of course not, maybe, but maybe, if touching nuts kills you, you’re suppose to die.

I too have also been less than thrilled about what’s been going on at SNL, for the past 30 years or so.

Also a coloring and activity book.

Whatever happened the movie they were going to make based on the Action Comics #1 that got stolen from Nic Cage? For that matter they could also make a movie about the stolen dinosaur skull he bought too LOL.

He got both Daarios?

Yeah the reviewer’s preferences were pretty much the complete opposite of mine. my initial impressions.

So, they’re going to have to set extremely broad conditions for this release, which is unprecedented.”

Well apparently I’m not that smart. I’ve been paying $19.99 a month for Netflix Premium, which means, straight from Netflix’s site: “Watch on 4 different devices at the same time with Premium”. So how was that stealing if my girlfriend or parents want to what something at the same time? Since, you know, I was already

Explain to me how exactly this stealing. I’m paying for a certain number of simultaneous streaming connections at a time.

It’s so funny the first I heard about this was on that episode of South Park. I thought it was a joke until I looked it up.

Here you go!

Julia Louis Dreyfuss had it right!

Not to mention a complete misunderstanding of exponential growth. Halving the population isn’t going to do jack squat in the long term, nor would doubling resources for that matter.

Eh, I just don’t care anymore if I’m not able to watch something I’ve already seen, and I like not having to deal with the clutter or physical media. I am concerned about *new* viewers not being able to access media not available on streaming.