The Hammock District

What he's saying is taking an athlete's salary, and then comparing it to his on-field performance in some transparent attempt to shame the athlete for making a lot of money is silly. Salaries simply don't reflect quality of performance, or even value to your employer. There are a lot of other things at play.

Comment of the year. Shut it down like the Lakers' season. It's yours.

Great tactic actually. If history has told us anything about Kobe, it's that first comes the assault, then comes the ring.

He was actually stabbed 10 times, 9 times in the back by the cowboys fan and once in the heart by the bears.

There are several layers here.

Thanks, wouldn't have gotten that otherwise....

Gruden better bulk up. I think Griffin weighs about 220 lbs.

I always assumed snow tires were for suckers. I made it through many Colorado winters driving a Geo Prism with bald-ass regular tires and never really had a problem.

I don't believe his bullshit "my phone died" excuse for a second. I know this because I use it often and I'm lying every time.

I just usually sub out the word "white" and replace it with "black" in these types of articles, see if it still looks like something they'd write.. and of course it isn't.

This re-imagining of American Gothic sucks. It just fucking sucks.

+1 Good job, good effort

Every Rose has its torn ACL.

Bam. World-class burn.

thunderf00t is an "atheist"/anti-feminist critic on Youtube who has produced some of the most famous "rebuttals" to her work. That's why I bring him up.

Do you have any examples of her confusion between a "general" trope and a gender-specific one? Regardless, I don't think it actually really matters, particularly if

The whole Oktoberfest branding thing might be even more annoying than pumpkin, since it in no way indicates what is going on inside the bottle.

"Pretty sure I envy this man."

1. Any other beer ever made

Good question, Jean-Paul Sarte.

"But they CHOSE to play the game! This is why America is becoming pussies. Whatever happened to the good old days when a man could play WITHOUT HELMETS (they never got concussions! It's a fact, look it up.), call his teammate or opponent a racial slur (Possibly because that is the team name...nothing wrong with