
*Gal Gadot was the best thing in that last movie.

How do we know Zuckerberg specifically put a ton of thought into this, versus just “choose what you think are the best photos of me” – no different from how any soon-to-be-wed couple would direct their own photographer?

Pretty sure the joke is that he looks like Satan if he was only kind of trying to hide the fact that he’s Satan in our human world.

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Your comment reminded me of this fantastic video.

If anything this’ll just end up being the precursor to a world where there are AR ads everywhere, like a dystopian cyber future lined with annoying, flashing, invasive neon billboards. And more than likely, they’ll even be able to eventually map-out your house without you knowing, so you’ll see ads in the bathroom for

Hang on, what does a panda wearing an anteater hat have to do with anything?

Because, in my experience, Hulu almost universally runs better than the HBO Now app and it’s available on more devices, such as the PS3 I use for streaming in my bedroom.

November 8, 2016. It was a Tuesday.

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Here was another Automata that I found very good and feel did not get much publicity.

Miss that little device. So attractive

It’s called ‘development.’ It happens to babies and everything else.

“Kepier, who wasn’t involved in the Policy Forum paper, is skeptical that anyone would want to hack in the BMI of a profoundly disabled person, or a brain-machine interface used for neurofeedback “brain-training” (i.e., programs that use non-invasive brain scanners, like EEGS, to train people to manage behaviors,

If highly-computerized cars, fridges, and the rest has taught us anything, it’s that corporations are on the forefront of working against hackers to make sure their products are as secure as possible for the safety of us, the consumers.

you really must ask yourself: doesnt the fact that this woman has persisted all of this time to preserve the memory of her father melt your heart?

The new 10.5-inch iPad Pro that’s supposed to replace my 9.7-inch iPad Pro

Idk if I can bend down that far.

Well I have a 15 year old notebook from middle school in the back of my closet with a flawless refresh rate for all of my doodling, so clearly I have no need to upgrade. It’s also great for writing down unreasonable statements and false equivalencies.

Great! I was just thinking how the decrepit old white guys on the Supreme Court and in Congress don’t live long *enough.*

It’s pretty clear in the review he was comparing it to a more recent model. I’m not sure how you would otherwise. I have an iPad 2 and obviously this would be an upgrade but I don’t blame Alex for not knowing that.

Live longer as a young person or as an old one? Because at an age where retirement is the only option, I think I’d rather not prolong my existence.