
Or, more specifically, the choice by Schumacher to give star George Clooney a new Batsuit with distractingly large nipples on it.

A lot of people blamed his sexuality being the motivating factor that lead to that decision.

Welp, in hindsight, I think Sony was actually really smart to announce and release the PS4Pro at a non-E3 event. These mid-generation refresh consoles are just not remarkable enough to hang a conference on. $500 and I get to play the exact same games with some more pixels and higher rez textures. Cool?

I think I just got hit with some serious buyers remorse because of what they initially promised vs what the end result was. Unlike many others, I bought into the console for 75% entertainment reasons, 25% gaming reasons; the original pitch was a god-send to me. Finally, a console that will unify my home theater

SOOOOO dumb, right? I mean forget the content of my post and let’s focus on the fact that my real world coolness is directly proportional to my anonymous comments on Giz. I mean “double fail”??? Who says that?!?! I hope I still have friends when I get home. - Regards, incorrectly assumed android fanboy by a take no

But it will give the illusion to consumers that want a new ipad, but think the 12.9" is too big. It serves the purpose of testing the water and also positions them to phase out the 9.7 model. maybe

I wouldn’t fault Elon for joining in the first place. America was preparing for the most backwards ass president ever to take office when it came to science, he probably hoped he could be a voice of reason. I can’t criticize him for that. The real question is why would Trump hire him and not listen to him?

Completely disagree. It is better to have a voice then sit in silent protest.

I’m actually starting to think he may not be a very good President.

40 apps??????? How could anyone use that many apps in a lifetime?????

While we’re at it, we should avoid telling people that they need to apply pressure to the wound when someone’s bleeding from an artery.


Their son. She divorces, he’s gone from her life forever.

There is no right and wrong as a goat. Only windshield wipers to eat while standing on the hood scratching it, and looking annoyed when told to get off.

You’re right, I have never heard of a cylops before. Not sure how that pertains to my post though.

There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.

Nice try, but that’s not what executive order 13526 says.


Why WHY do the same people who scream about Hillary’s emails not realize this is 100x worse in every way?

No one is mad at anything.