
Oh, they’re proficient with office, just not Windows. Remember, O365 runs just as fine on Mac and iOS as it does on Windows, and even that isn’t mandatory except in Administrative roles like IT, HR, Finance, and C/D levels. My larger point is, Microsoft is becoming increasingly just the “Office” company to many

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: welcome to the hell that is Corporate Microsoft.

A man calling women trash and a woman calling men trash is equivalent. Also you’re typo makes you look as stupid as you sound when you try (and fail) to say otherwise.

I think the color (at least in Apple’s devices and all the rest that copy them) is as close to ‘actual’ rose gold as you’re going to get in an aluminum metal. If they actually made the iPhones and MacBook cases out of rose gold (could you imagine how expensive they would be THEN?) they would be spot on. The rose gold

The only way to solve problems is for everyone to treat each other like absolute shit so everyone feels bad about themselves, their gender, and generalize large swaths of people down to nothing but memes.

Just because someone is female doesn’t mean they’re oppressed; just because someone’s male doesn’t mean they’re the oppressor. Memes that identify people by their group and call them all “trash” aren’t harmless, even when they’re directed at dominant groups; “white people are trash” isn’t harmless just because the

This is the first sequel I have been somewhat excited about. Of course most of that is due to Emily Blunt returning. However they should do this sooner rather than later. The longer they wait the bigger the CGI budget to de-age Tom Cruise.

This comment needs a do-over.

Was this malfescense or simply some really shitty graphic design? To me it just looks like someone unintentionallymade it offensive because they just didn’t understand how to do the typography.

Cool how you didn’t actually make a point here, but then again, that’s the beauty of using terms like “mansplaining” and other ad hominem attacks: you don’t actually have to have anything to say to feel like you’re part of the conversation.

You’re so stunning and brave.

Medusa looks like an angry Lily Munster.

Am I the only one that cut the cord just so they wouldn’t be subjected to ads anymore? I don’t care whether you have DVR or local channels. I’m also one of those mutants that doesn’t watch sports. And I’ve long given up trying to save money in a cost-benefit comparison to paid cable. I gladly pay for YouTube Red, Hulu

You know what you did there, right? Was it intentional? If so, well done.

Yes. But if that’s Google’s best offering (given their nigh infinite resources) it doesn’t really say great things about their hardware side....

Video game sex scenes, regardless of the amount of work it takes to make them or the amount of “importance” it has to the story or character development, will always be an excuse to shoehorn in polygonal tits. Call me when games start swinging dong.

I was going to correct you, but I’m happy to see that about 10,000 people already did. So, instead:

Just installed it on my gaming PC a few hours ago via manual install. Everything seems okay. I guess I’m okay.

Generally, “telecom” means telecommunications, so “telecom company” is correct. “Telco” is an acceptable abbreviation for a telecom company.