
You would have to wire the inside doorknob to electrocute anyone who tries to exit when a circuit is broken by the toilet seat being up.

Except when we have to deal with the folks who refer to all of us as “Orientals”.

We already have better faux hair options than this. While it’s really neat and looks pretty awesome for something like a toy or figurine, I would laugh in the face of somebody trying to pass this off as real hair. I would point and laugh and it would be awful for everyone.

I actually read Jezebel regularly and comment on some stories because the content there is very interesting. A lot of the people there are very cool but there are some very aggressive and irrational people there, too. The meanest of all of Kinja boards I visit —but also the source of some of the best discussions

“The villagers chased down the snake, cut open its gut to their horror (as well as the world’s) they found Akbar’s body inside.” -It’s always the last place you look. 

That will happen, but not that soon. Consumers are too dumb. They can’t be trusted to not steal or take a shit on the show-room floor.

The location they chose for the one of the Seattle stores (15th and basically Market) is in a really terrible spot for afternoon rush hour timed pickups. It’s basically only easily accessible if you’re headed north, and after, only going to go east on Market, as getting back on 15th to continue north is neigh

These are 100% not stills from the movie and are just promo/test images that were probably done not long after she was signed. I’m pretty sure this movies hasn’t started shooting yet. Wouldn’t be shocked if she’s currently in a “filming exercise regiment”.

Regardless, I think you’re really overblowing this. She looks

I should of said nominated.

“I didn’t like her in that one movie, so I can’t understand why she’s a thing.”

I mean, to start, if an actor/actress stopped becoming a ‘thing’ the second they starred in a mediocre blockbuster that ended up not being very good, Hollywood would have to close down within a month.

Also, sometimes decent/good actors put

But we already knew this back in December:

People keep saying this same thing, but it doesn’t look like much of anything to me.

It’s just you

Its just you!

Dude stays having beef with most of the world...

So honest question: why do you care about posters?

Depp ponders this deeply...

Nazis gonna nazi... And get upset when you call them nazis.

First off Mat, Great article.