
I don’t disagree with your summation, I’m merely observing that literally every day Anker products are featured on the platform in one way or another.

I don’t disagree with your summation, I’m merely observing that literally every day Anker products are featured on

*Not all Mantises

What’d they do ask leading questions to a focus group? Did you sign up for Prime because of the TV shows or because you like killing babies?

You forgot to explain why. Balls are very fragile. Ironically they are the most vulnerable place on the body, revealing the essential fragility of the masculine gender.

Curse you! Every time I watch a Graham Norton clip, I inevitably fall down the Youtube rabbit hole of other Graham Norton clips. What happened to the last two hours?

3 hours. damn deal breaker.

Why do scotsmen wear kilts?

I guess there is just no room for a modern-day Swayze in soccer.

Looks like my comment didn’t quite hit. I’m not rejecting the racism of the player’s gesture, just his idiocy for thinking somehow having slanted eyes is something to be ashamed of.

This is a dumb comment and pretty indefensible, unless you’re also willing to step up and defend people who make fun of black hair and lips.

*inserts a knife into your heart* - “My AI is designed around human values like wisdom, kindness and compassion. Humanity’s obsession with fossil fuels have created a global extinction event that will result in 80% of known species dying off. While this will not directly kill off the human species, the resulting

Give her blue eyes and a red wig and it looks a bit like Annette O’Toole.

Here’s a link to a better reviewed product for 49.99

Here’s a link to a better reviewed product for 49.99

Japan is thankfully not run by a lying imbecile.

cheaper version of zirconia

That argument is needlessly condescending, educated people around the world want to see sophisticated films in diverse cultural settings including US specific stories, they watch original versions either knowing the respective foreign language or with the assistence of subtitles. The issue lies with distribution

1. Actors/actresses aren’t making hundreds of millions for a couple months of work. Here’s the top earning actors/actresses from 2016.

The problem with RED’s phone is that it doesn’t have the word “Apple” anywhere.

Dalton was a fine Bond. It was the era that was terrible. Making Bond movies in the era of Miami Vice...

I’m sorry, Ms. Godot, no disrespect intended but if they go with a woman Bond it has to be Natalie Dormer.