
This is great! If they’re going to live tweet themselves, then what’s left to hold as ransom, hands-on reviews? If future keynote invites mean nothing, then the playing field is leveled, and bloggers can say what they really feel.

When I first saw this poster, I too was struck with anger... for there was a 1.5 second moment when I was scrolling too fast and thought I saw Jeremy Piven’s name at the top! In that brief moment, I became incandescent with rage!!!


Not sure how long you’ve had Premium, but yeah - Spotify Desktop was once pretty fast and responsive, and it’s now going to shit. The reason being that Spotify has focused most of their resources on the mobile apps over the past 2 years, basically neglecting the desktop client. It’s pretty frustrating since the

I know it’s morose and kinda ridiculous “Magical Thinking”, but I often wish baseless hateful displays like this came with a physical price... something akin to a person - having spewed so much hatred and ugliness online - ending up with meth face and their body deteriorating until they’ve become nothing but a golem.

Are people paying exorbitant fees? Do they really have zero control over their music libraries? Are they specifically paying to have a company send them music they would like?

I liked this much better when I initially mistook it be a comedy spoof starring Charlie Day.

This is actually a disappointment for me because I thought (hoped) it was coming back in the summer, like season 2.

Does anyone know of a service, app, or even a subreddit that can take one song and help find a matching or similar song? I’ve got tons of personal Spotify playlists, but I’m always looking for additional songs are complimentary in theme, sound/instrument, or beat.

Wait - How wide is this mini iPhone again? Is it slim enough to strap to my wrist and rename it as the new “Apple Watch Pro Plus S”?

This is great! Now, when I’m out with friends, all our real-life in-person convos can devolve into a series of muttered words augmented with projected memes, gifs, and emojis. I’ll never have to (verbally) finish a sentence again!

I stuck with cable for 3 years for HBO and specifically because (if you go past your limit) Comcast does not throttle your bandwidth when you’re an internet+cable customer. In those 3 years, I found that I really only watched 6 or so live TV channels, mostly on occasions when I was either sick, sleepy, or hung over.

AND, he finds it THRILLING to do so! He’s practically brimming with excitement all day just thinking about rushing home later to catch that TV show live-and-direct.

First Jessi XX on Kyle XY, then Sif on Agents of SHIELD season 2, now Jane in Blindspot. How many times is Jamie Alexander going to have to play the super-gifted heroine type who also has amnesia?

Personally, I’d rather that Gizmodo never receive an invite to an Apple event again if it means they’ll publish real reviews on Apple products without all the flowery ass-licking bullshit statements I’ve been reading from “invitees” in these Meta reviews. The stranglehold that Apple PR has had over tech reporters

Well, they all know that if they actually say anything distinctly less-than-favorable they too would find themselves left off the invite and demo lists for the next few Apple keynotes. Them’s the rules.

Yeah - It seems odd that despite what people are saying here there isn’t a single shot where the palm or fingers are resting on the tablet (there IS one where a hand is resting outside the tablet while the pen draws on the edge), and no frames devoted to/mention of a toggle feature.

That’s cool, Spotify! I mean, you could’ve used those resources to develop a homegrown app that lets us directly use Gracenote to personally find brand new music, similar songs, and/or connect us with other users with highly similar tastes to replace the apps you got rid of last winter, but... you know... this is

This is great. Maybe Beijing should just go ahead and build one the size of a skyscraper.