
If you drill a tiny hole in the non-business end, you can say it's an artisanal incense stick holder.

Those bikini pics if RiRi are freaking me out a little, only because she looks like Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes in some of them. Especially the first one where she's holding the cake.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. I worked at BR briefly, in between FT jobs, and started at $10/hr. I'm wondering exactly who they are paying less than $9/hr? Teens, maybe?

Haha, this is exactly my life. Not only do I do this with my main profile, I expanded to 3 additional profiles to browse endlessly through... until I doze off.

Haha nooooo, it's not even that deep. Both of you are giving Jezebel waaay too much credit.

Agree. stunning.

Yeah, if I remember correctly, they were both 30-something virgins who saved themselves for marriage. That kiss was their very first romantic kiss ever.

Yeah, that's really fuckin gross. Mostly because it looks like he's eating her mouth. Either he's sloppy drunk or it's a video of these two:

Kulkov has always been a favorite of mine. His looks are so versatile.
I just do not get the appeal of RJ Rogenski. He only seems to look good with a beard and can only smolder (he's rarely pictured smiling because he has jacked up teeth). Ballou, while pretty much a male supermodel, seems out of place on this cover.

Maybe this editorial is Miley's direct application to become part of the coven? I would love to see this culminate in an extended horror music video costumed by Donatella and directed by Dario Argento.

True. This seems like a good foundation for her future post-Ratchet era reinvention.

I see it as a Gaga/Donatella mashup, but still, yeah WTF?

The answer is simple. Benedict Cumberbatch must marry Rihanna in a lavish Bajan wedding sponsored by E! (take THAT, Kim Kardashian!), turn over all of his inheritance and earnings to her, and together they can decide how to best distribute reparations to those who pass Geneology.com's extensive DNA tests. It'll be a

I have enough pants, jeans, shirts, t-shirts, sleepwear, socks, scarves, sweaters and underwear to clothe (and color coordinate) three people, so the answer is "EVERYTHING". The only things I don't have TOO much of are sunglasses and gloves.

Is this some sort of foreshadowing of what's to come when that Soviet ghost ship filled with cannibalist rats finally runs aground in the UK?

I don't know what happened around the time of the MDNA release (too much Molly at that 2012 music festival maybe?), but she has completely lost it stylewise. She always looks so ridiculous these days.

The whole thing is really aggravating. "Photoshopping" as a catch-all verb to mystify a less savvy audience into thinking its a magical tool that does EVERYTHING.

Every time I look at pictures of these two together, a part of me wonders if Donatella just sees Gaga as her optimized younger self, or if it goes even deeper and Donatella fantasizes about Gaga being her long lost daughter.

Indeed, this makes Hoefler seem like a colossal asshole, and the situation not entirely unlike the Snapchat fuckover.

Still, I wonder if Juan Pablo thinks it's okay to have a lesbian Bachelorette? I wish someone had asked him.