
I'm getting a new iPad (I refuse to refer to it as an Air) because I want a 128GB version over the 32GB iPad 3 I have now. Other than the processing speed - which I hope my favorite apps will take full advantage of - the rest of that shit doesn't phase me one bit. I'm thinking I may end up being annoyed by the thinner

Mooseknuckle. My computer's name is Mooseknuckle.

haha Mario Lopez tried, but FAILED... because UGGS.

Oh, interesting.
I was gonna get a new iPad via AT&T's "NEXT" program and they wouldn't let me do it, saying I needed to wait until October 23rd to be eligible. I was already well past my contract date, yet they refused to tell me why I had to wait a month before acting on that iPad contract. The CSR rep gave me the


I knew a dude in high school who mainlined God's ENTIRE name in a bathroom stall at a Denny's on prom night. Dude never made it to prom. Jesus totally revoked his hall pass.

I'll just go ahead and file this pic in my "F*ck/Marry/Kill conundrums" drawer... along with this pic of Tom Ford, Tom Hanks, and Jon Hamm:

Well, this is certain to throw the Cheerios hating racists into a tizzy.

Hey, I'll have know that this "exposé" on P&R's implausible wardrobe is putting food on the table and helping Tracie pay for at least two of those outfits in full, thankyouverymuch. AND - the always-broke Jez intern who had to research all the prices and source the images is not only getting an great education, but

Same experience on my 3rd gen 32GB iPad this morning. It said I needed 3.4GB of space to install and currently I only have 2GB. Even if I back up my 1.8 GB of files to iCloud, it still leaves me assed out and crashy at ~400mb left. This seems like this is the first time an iOS update would leave me with so little

Something about these remind me of the late-90's... in a good way.

I'm going to give J.Lo the benefit of the doubt and assume that she made this decision AFTER having talked to or been witness to a convo between Swifty's friends.

If one of the functions of a product is to not only store away items but to store them away neatly and out of sight so there's less clutter, then these designs fail on all counts. Even without holding things, all of these pieces have become visual clutter themselves.

Actually, where I'm from, you can just skip use of the word "Shoes" too. That's just superfluous.

Ok, but I simply CANNOT with that name. It's like the name of a guest character with a 3-episode story arc on some One Tree Hill knock-off

Annnd now I know where these came from:

Great. Now I have that sad scene from 28 Days Later stuck in my head - the one with the dad who caught the zombie disease from a crow.

As a mostly reserved Gay, this GaGa/Perez drama is so... Ugh...TRAGIC (and I mean that in the Gayest sense). Hysterics, accusations of stalking, public dramatics- I've witnessed this type of "Diva and her Gay" train wreck play out on a civilian level, and the thought of it all just makes me so tired.

WHAT is this, and WHERE can I see the full video?

Maybe you can do a follow up piece on WHY they're not fire hazards? I've seen some of these before and always wanted to know how they were treated to ensure that they do not get set ablaze.