
Sigh. No good can come of this. This is like giving music artists the ability to auto-tune their voices in real life just for fun. I can see Bieber, Will.i.am, Gaga, & possibly Kanye assaulting us with this invention by INSISTING on using one of these during EVERY interview and acceptance speech thru Q2 2014.

Yeah, I knew that I'd officially caught a case of the Olds when I started watching NCIS for the first time this past March. I proactively filled out my AARP application, but I figure I won't need to reach for my bag of Werther's Original Candies until I start watching CSI or 60 Minutes for comfort.

Thank You!

Is there a study or article regarding how gay men speak? I'd like to read/listen to it. Wondering how much of it involves vocal fry.

It will be awesome to have UHD live drone feeds of global scenery, landmarks, and whatnot streamed to our massive 4K/8K TVs for Holodecking someday.

Exactly! Just because someone presents himself as Mr. Au Naturale Cornfed Boy Next Door doesn't mean it's not a facade.

I usually use 3 pieces of bread on my PB&J sammiches because I don't like my peanut butter touching my jelly (SO incestuous). So I don't even know how I'd manage the 13 Wonderbread slices required to keep this concoction chaste and holy.

I don't know exactly how high those six figure wedding costs will go, but if I did get an invite, I'd certainly look forward to a scathing handwritten letter or Facebook email from Ange and Brad about how Jimmy Carter, Christiane Amanpour, and I are all assholes for giving them a joint Artisanal Marshmallow Whip &

The first thing I look at on faces is the eyes. Natalie Dormer's eyes are set so far apart and are so bright that I'm always mesmerized by them. Her face is Lynx-like, while I find Cuoco's to be just run-of-the-mill Hollywood meh.

I think it's not that she's had work done, it's that she's been photoshopped beyond recognition in the worst ways possible. The first shot looks like her in her "To Die For" days, but the other two are completely alien.

Anyone recognize the font used in the on-screen "chalkboard" text? Curious to know what it is.

Virgo here.

Hopefully they can incorporate mid-brain stimulation in the final version of Google Glass.

Well, I for one am glad to learn they are marble, because for a sec there I thought Doug was about to break the silence on some new "Ashy Balls" epidemic.

I'm pretty happy with the iPad's icon spacing, myself. I have an Android phone, and when I first bought it (to remain OS agnostic), seeing all those tiny cramped icons was a bit of visual overload that made me feel claustrophobic. I had to immediately lower the max number of icon columns/rows.

Yeah I get that, as in "There was this thing in a cabinet and I took a picture of it"

Really though, what can a person make out within two flashes of a camera? Why didn't he use his phone to illuminate the area instead?

I actually bought one of those during a heat wave way back when. It cost $60, which seemed worth it at the time. Thing was, it only worked well in the (already air-conditioned) store. Outside of the Sharper Image, all it did was lightly blow temperate air at the back of your head. I think it was like 95-ish degrees

Does each profile have a unique streaming queue, or do they pretty much share the same queue, but with different recommendations?

So then there's no Streaming Queue in Canada capable of saving 500 movies for later viewing like there is in the US?