
I'm offended by Cavalli's people "elongating" Beyonce into a stick figure, but I'm even more offended by them using imagery of her from 10 years ago. Not only are they Lazy-ass Photoshoppin' Bitches, they're "Off-Brand" too.

According to xbox.com. You will be able to redeem any points cards you have in your possession until 2015. But you will not be able to buy new points cards at a store once the currency cards launch.

I had to watch the video on mute so I don't even know what they sound like, but I gotta say: That red-haired chick in the green football jersey? She looks like a real-life Bratz Doll and it's kinda freaking me out.

Seems like this app would only work if your local restaurants submitted the nutritional value of their entire menu. I doubt that would happen enough to make this app useful outside of NYC and LA.

Fuck. Tell me about it. I was eating a beet salad with a dollop of yogurt when I happened upon that paragraph.

I personally don't a see T-Swifty look-a-like, but since everyone else up in here sees it, gurl betta watch out lest she get mauled by some jealous haters.

Having grown up in New Orleans, I did see some amount of self-segregation in high school. There was always a subset of Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Latinos just sort of "staying in their place", so to speak. Even with that, the notion of not growing up/associating with friends of other races/nationalities is still

Hmmm. Works on my iPad, but maybe that's just because it's iOS?

You know what? If they'd told the contestants/guessers up front that all 4 women walked into a salon to get the "Klossy-Cut" and that this is what they walked out with, they would've been able to tell the diff between price points.

You have to click it twice - on the genre name. Then you'll see a colored border surround the name and the music will start playing. Then if you like the music that's playing, click the double arrows and you'll enter the genre page featuring similar artists.

Po'Child, that's Peaches in the background.

I am now certain that in the weeks between when our Alien Overlords arrive and when the Great War begins, we will be subjected to an ungodly amount of intergalactic slut-shaming and insistence that we hold no true ownership of Earth because we "Fucked Our Way To The Top".

If this was available in the summer of 2003 I would've been all over it. Now? Not so much. I think that has to do with the VW Beetle and the passing of my late-90's to 2001 nostalgia more than the iFeatures. Will there be an iMini? I could be into that.

Oh. Fuck. YES.

It's funnier when I turn the sound off. I actually find that person's laughter distracting.

Now see, that's the exactly thought I'd have when I'm halfway between the art store and hardware store, on my way to spend another $65 on the project.

This is an OUTRAGE!!!

Yeah, you're cute with your little quips and all, but please notice the "discussions" count right at the top of the comments section.

Limer made it sound like Elop looked straight into the interviewer's eyes menacingly and flipped the iPhone like an overhead basketball shot. But nope, Elop just set that bitch free ...like a white winged dove.

I agree. I think she looks like an overgrown child in that outfit, and not unlike one of her characters from a Wes Anderson movie.