
On one hand, I find her candor refreshing.

While I feel bad for Kim, and think certain tabloids are specifically trying to be complete assholes, I can't say that any of this is entirely unexpected.



I bet if we got a close-up of what he's been typing, we'd see nothing but an apple logo made out of "@" symbols.

Wow, that should be blurred, or something.

Wait, Keith Urban is in the sequel now?

Those busted "La Femme Nikita" wigs were ATROCIOUS.

THANK YOU. That is a perfect comparison. Adele is just 18 months older than this child. When she released "21", Adele was already years more mature than Swift is today.

I would LOVE to produce a weekly tabloid and half-hour TV show called "The Critical Eye" about the "reporters" who write these bullshit stories and the paparazzi who help them. I'd have them followed, and do "exposés" on their lives. I'd track their weight gain/loss and tie their tabloid stories back to some

Wait, WAHT?!?!? Ohhhh Hellz no. I don't know who Karl thinks he is, kopying my style like that, but I will NOT hesitate to litigate! Sabrina, get my lawyuh on the phone RIGHT NOW!

I don't think anyone nay-saying you is trying to portray her as a victim. Lawrence is only somewhat powerful NOW that she has an Oscar in that she is very hot right now, but she is not Charlize Theron nor Natalie Portman. She is not yet a proven return on a campaign investment. This wasn't a magazine cover or

Oh, I don't know... The Bro-cups on that model in the main image look like double-A's or B's at best.

I extrapolated it from both this article and the review of Rihanna's first turn with designing for River Island at London Fashion Week.


One of the subjects is a well-loved English Princess and though the writer is American, the article is written for The Sunday Times of London.

Soooo, basically between this and the River Island show, we're seeing some sort of Brit-born Rihanna backlash?

Hmmm, it seems like Rihanna designed a bunch of Island Girl-ish wear for the wrong kind/climate of island. Since Rihanna is young, very fit, and originates from a place that doesn't even have a Winter season, I really can't hate on her too much. Ultimately I'm sure River Island pitched it to her with thoughts of

Right - well, that's true. They should be specific about where that movie is coming from via Xfinity. But I think they would have to constantly confirm what Comcast channels you do and don't have at the moment in order to remove them from the results.

That issue about Bing not allowing you to pinpoint search by genre is definitely true, but the rest of that is kinda b.s.. Once you get a slew of results from your search, you can filter results down by type (it'll show only movies, or TV, or games, or music, whatever). You never see DVDs listed under Netflix, and if