
They got rid of the iPad 3 because it was too close in specs to the 4th Gen. When faced with paying for a brand new iPad with all new connectors that you'd need to shell out even more $$$ for vs. using the shit you already have (and/or getting the old docks/perifs at a discount), customers would naturally not give a

A company called IMM already makes ones like these and they are 1) larger, 2) functional, and 3) adorbs. These Etsy ones are complete overkill.

Papz to Kim: "Kim, who are you wearing?"

Would a Black person ever wear this? Especially after seeing the packaging? Would ANY minority ever wear it, for that matter?

I think the whole reason the model is in blackface is because no Black person would ever wear that costume

Kinda interesting. But I need to be able to use it in mid-air for there to be any "**WOW**" in it for me. Otherwise it's like I'm just using a mouse that can discern texture.

Ha. I hit puberty at 12, and I think it's pretty normal. My childhood best friend however hit puberty at 7 or 8 years old. We were taking a bath together (you know, because we were 8 year olds) and that little fucker already had chest hair and a treasure trail. I looked down at my bald, appropriately-childlike body

"If THEY think that shit actually works THEY should really check out some statistics. "

According to the Public Service Announcements one hears on the radio designed to keep our children off drugs, yes. Even if it's untrue or only an exaggerated half-truth, what's important is the greater good...which is keeping our children off of drugs that are even more dangerous than Ecstacy.

Ooooooooookay. Now I get it.

lol. I did groan a little when the page loaded and I saw their logo. But then the bigger groan/sigh I let out over that opening sentence kinda made me forget about it for a sec.

Seriously, who has that extrasensory gift? I certainly would like to know how many years of Shaolin temple meditation I must practice to get it back.

I'll add that to my list of things that I did not know about Giovanni Ribisi along with not knowing that he is a Scientologist.

Jenna was just being facetious when she wrote that.

Snark #1: You. Are. WRONG. These are in fact NOT Michael Jackson costumes, they are actually Corey Feldman costumes. Now, don't you feel stupid?

I think that might've been true for me 6-8 years ago, but not anymore. I DO have items on my desktop, but they are set to "do not show". I like the wide open expanse of a completely clear desktop. Every program I need to reference is pinned to my taskbar. Every document is (somewhat neatly) organized in folders. PDF

I don't know. I think it's one thing to be a complete pig who takes naked photos of a girl without her permission, but it's entirely another thing to go completely ballistic on her for deleting the photos from your phone. In this instance, I mean "ballistic" as in a "fucking with my money" kind of way. I don't think

I'm sorry, but NO. I'm sure those are grass and dirt stains or whatever, but they' ve managed to land (or shall I say "skid") in such a way to make this particular image a bunch of NOT RIGHT.

Now playing

This article reminds me of infomercials with retarded people having incredible difficulty performing the most mundane tasks- all to make the "new, amazing thing" look revolutionary.

Yeah, it's amazing how they did that. First they have Jeff Daniels pontificate on the mechanics of the human thumb, then they proceed to either re-position the angle of the hands or vertically re-position the phone. The camera cuts/zooms in to keep your focus primarily on the screen imagery in relation to the sweep of