
So what about the guy who actually plays Muhammad? Has he completely gone into hiding? I watched the video, and I could swear I've seen him before in other things. It could also be that what with the brown-face and all, I just repeatedly mistook him for Ashton Kutcher, who I WISH would go into hiding.

My 55-inch TV is connected to Cable, my Xbox, and also serves as my living room computer monitor. Unfortunately, my TV was manufactured on the cusp of the analog-to-digital switch, so my Picture-in-Picture will only display one HD input and the default composite signal. This sucks because sometimes I want to watch

That's cool and all, but I'm saving up/holding out for a "Space Funeral" aboard Virgin Galactic. Kinda ruins the whole spirit of the funeral if I just let myself get Energon Cubed first, and THEN shot into the Sun.

Yes, a COMPLETE disaster. She looks like a battered, half-bald and catatonic black goose who only just survived a run-in with a Biplane propeller. It's like, why even feature someone in your magazine if you hate her enough to use THAT as your cover?

It looks like the perfect accessory to wear with lederhosen.

I'm more disturbed by my eyes trying to trick me into thinking those nipples belong to Octomom Nadya Suleman than in caring about the nipples themselves.

So if you and your friends all had a to-go lunch outside and have trash to throw away, you'd have to decide if one of you is going to pay for the whole trash dump... or go Dutch? (haha)

Looks like the song is called "For You", off of their 2009 release: Holding Patterns.

So...SO True! Everything described here would get you labeled as a "VIP", which is retail talk for "Keep an eye on this person as there's a high chance that he/she is a thief". Thus, if anything they would provide you MORE customer service via multi-salesperson stalking.

mmmmmm hmmm

Ha! the first thing I thought of when I read the title was Cylons.

Oooooohhhhhh yeeeeaaaaah! Fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap... Oh, don't mind me, I'm just uhhhhh fap fap fap fap fap fap...

I only judge a guy by his shoes when I need to assess whether he plays for my team and/or how HARD he plays for my team.

I like the Art Nouveau aspect of it (and the dress) but I feel like they failed when instead of following through and ALSO styling her in Art Nouveau (maybe as an updated Alphonse Mucha model), they just slapped in a Photoshop-Airbrush-tooled picture of her looking like a cross between the Coppertone toddler from

I honestly don't know how people still get so confused about this. If this was about Toyota trying to sell cars to gay men, they'd use someone like << Todd Sanfield over here, or RuPaul and Sharon Needles before they'd use the androgynous model in the video.

Whoever she is, her Tuck Game is weak!


I've often entertained the thought of "If we could somehow magically bestow another 20 years of life and good health to a public figure who would it be?" I think Betty would definitely be on my list of candidates.

I rent movies and buy TV shows on Xbox LIVE because streaming is better via my console. When I buy Movies, I get them on Amazon because it works everywhere. I don't think I've bought a TV show or movie on iTunes in years, if ever. I mainly use iTunes for music and apps/books for my iPad.

This is exactly the kind of "Bitch Can't Win" counter-rant I was envisioning last week...when another Jezzie was bitching about how Madonna's simple 5-word comment about Pussy Riot was NOT ENOUGH of a stand. Post-after-post about how "as a celebrity and supposed feminist she has the responsibility to do MUCH MORE than