
True. I think this is the first instance that constant paparazzi surveillance could actually be considered a secondary security measure.

When I read #23 (facial intercourse), I pictured myself walking up to the editor/writer, handing him a pink slip stapled to the article, personally escorting him out the front door of the office, and ceremonially dumping his personal belongings out of a box and onto the sidewalk.

Very, very well said.

Oh, Okay.

Ok, but... didn't she essentially say those same things about Kris regarding her reasons for marrying/divorcing him ?

I used to find this to be true, but not so much anymore. I used to relish the cram and rush during a deadline, because it seemed exciting. But now, when I have a deadline I'm just panicked to get it done. I find that I have multiple mental blocks that won't go away until about :30 after deadline. From that point, I'm

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I'm definitely old enough to remember the pre-9/11 days when we had a hit parody sitcom complete with look-a-likes, about how stupid our President was...while he was still in the White House. At the time, I remember thinking "This is very funny but surely, this CANNOT be legal" ??? Of course, I find myself thinking

Overall, the esthetic is fantastic, but the accordion feature really brings it down. It would've been better to just add a curved/sharply-angled lower level or lip to the desk that the compartments hide inside (which would've also made for a simple "modesty valance"). It's nice that the video shows us how the

Now playing

Mmmm Hmmm, See that's why I never leaves the house without my pink satin bandana on. 'Cause I do NOT want these bitches getting my shit confused.

Yeah see, I thought that way too until I actually bought a tablet. Now, I find myself watching TV and using the tablet at the same time. The only time I'm not immersed is when watching a subtitled TV series or movie.

They said it would be available in Fall 2012, so 4-5 months from now.

This is the main reason I stay away from public pools, hot tubs, water parks - all that shit, no matter how "luxurious" they are. People and their absolute unwillingness to not be disgusting disgusts me even further.

YOU stay out of this. This is between me and ME! Unless you're another Me... ARGHHHHHHHHH Dr. Qimby, I need more Thorazine!

YOU stay out of this. This is between me and ME! Unless you're another Me... ARGHHHHHHHHH Dr. Qimby, I need more Thorazine!

Oh I'm sorry. When I said "Shazam has failed ***ME*** 8 out of 10 times...", I didn't realize I was actually talking about —-YOU—-.

Intrinsically, Shazam only ever successfully identifies mainstream songs, so this status quo " No, Duh" list is probably skewed. Shazam has failed me 8 out of 10 times when trying to I.D. any song outside of the "Hot 100 hits" range.

Interesting but also impractical and potentially painful/destructive idea. I can picture this card breaking in someone's back/jacket pocket and either stabbing the client in the ass/under a fingernail, scratching their smartphone, or putting a small hole in their pants/jacket lining.

ASkars is definitely not in every other scene. He is topless in one scene, but only for a moment. The only person that is in every other scene is Taylor Kitsch. While in hindsight I'm beginning to think of this movie as basically a "vehicle" for everyone involved except Neeson, based on scene share alone, this is

Funny, this article reminded that the movie was in theaters. On a lark I decided to go and see it last night. While Rihanna's lines are indeed slight and a bit 2-dimensional, outside of the star of the movie (Kitsch) his love interest (Decker), Skarsgard, and Neeson, everyone else pretty much had bit parts.

First off Mat, Great article.