
Smug now, Read later?

Wow. Do you have a past history with a significant other abusing ED drugs?

Out of all the contestants and winners, I think maybe 3 are actually top models (none of those 3 were actually the winners of their cycles), maybe another 6 are/were working models at some point, and probably another 5 or so are doing "something" media-related in some capacity.

Hmmm, seems like it's a bit merciful to NOT post the link, but here you go:

Based on that InTouch photo, apparently a spot of Melanoma has popped up on Kim Kardashian's cheek. She should really be worrying more about THAT than whether she has any friends in Hollywood.

So wait, I'm unclear about something - and maybe it's just me but:

I'm gay too, and I absolutely hated that series. I don't know how many times I found myself browsing magazines, thumbing through a Details thinking to myself "Why did I stop subscribing to this magazine again?", only to end up on that next-to-last page, realizing exactly why: "Oh yeah that's right, it's because

hahaha, this reminds me of one of my good friends, who says she sees no point in using one.

Nooo see, It's not some little flub. One doesn't mistake Vogue Italia for L'Uomo Vogue. She fully understood the distinction when she lied about it.

"Quelle Sensation Fantastique!

Awwwwww Yeaaaaaahhh, now THAT'S what I'm talking about.

Huh. How about that? She actually IS getting better! Having a face that is essentially a mashup of Lea Michele and Demi Lovato isn't going to hurt her career either.

Ummmm yeah. Reminds of that time when my Dad died and my little brother and I found out we had like 6 additional siblings. And when I say "additional", I mean in addition to the 2 half-siblings we already knew about.

Seriously. Effing Brilliant!

well I guess that works if you're a host with stinky guests.

Indeed, we're talking about a first world problem on a first world product. This is one of those things that people who don't read tech blogs don't care about and don't notice. But on a tech blog (and in prior years' iPad commercials) with ALWAYS all the talk about how the iPad is thinner than other tablets/slates,

I don't find the article nit-picky at all. I have a 3rd gen iPad, and have wondered why it was thicker than the iPad 2 since before I purchased it.

My mother used to do this too. It was so embarrassing when I was a kid. After one night where I pleaded with her to leave the store, she blew up at me in the car on the way home.


Meanwhile, back at the Palace, Prince Harry dusts off his Nazi costume and busts out his Napoleon Dynamite dance routine to some LMFAO in the main parlor.