
Hmmm, Would you classify yourself as a "Morning Person"?

Ummmm, so then this biopic is going to be like that movie "I'm Not There", where 6 stars played Bob Dylan?

I've felt the same way about several singers who have tried to get into movies. Madonna might be able to do some decent acting if she didn't let her massive ego get in the way. She can't just let herself BE the character, she instead plays the role of "***MADONNA*** as (insert character here)". That is why she always

just... a minor lil' thing, but:

I've been using Palmer's Swivel Stick for over 10 years now and I'm pretty much addicted to it. It contains cocoa butter and vitamin E and provides softness without feeling greasy or waxy. It's about as large as a Glue Stick, so it goes on with one swipe, has a slightly matte finish, and has no flavor/aftertaste, so

Yeah, ok but ummm... The shirt is still folded, so wouldn't the sleeves would still have wrinkles and wouldn't there still be a fold line across your stomach? Seems this would just keep your shirt from getting smashed/indented by the other contents of your bag/briefcase/luggage.

Me too!

I know he's trying to be funny, but he's still making it very hard for me to keep my mind out of the gutter... what with that dress shirt unbuttoned and slightly opened just so.

The name "Otavia Antiqua" sounds like an underused font from 1994.

Damn, that is a LOT of movie watching!

Hmmmm, I don't read blogs to make myself angry so that I can spend the rest of the day trying NOT to bite other peoples heads off IRL.

I don't understand what hate-reading is. Is it going to a site and purposefully reading stuff that you know will (not incidentally, but *absolutely*) piss you off?

Yes, but Madge is all about expanding the age range of her demographic. Bitch knows what she's doing:

Yeah, I don't get this article at all. We already knew that starts don't pay for their red carpet outfits, jewelry, and accessories because essentially designers/jewelers *loan* these things out to them for the night as free advertising. Of that $8,079,905, less than $2000 dollars was *actually* spent on Theron, 75%

Now playing

I do not hate her. I'd never heard of her until the week before that SNL performance. When I saw her perform I was like What The F*ck is this sh*t? Who bought HER way onto SNL?

I can't necessarily tell the gender of the persons by the bottoms of their feetses, so in my head I'm imagining it's two dudes (the big feetses are Alexander Skarsgard's and the smaller feetses are Ryan Kwanten's), and suddenly all these positioning questions become irrelevant. Just throwing this solution out there

I really don't care for the look of the opera gloves the Today blog suggested, but if a woman was to wear a specially designed pair with a lasercut motif along with a jaunty hat, I WOULD have to take/tweet a picture of her with the caption: OMFG, Check out this chick: long lasercut gloves and old-timey hat. SICK HOT!

I transparent TV could look great above a fireplace, especially if it was non-glare. it would just fade away almost completely when not in use. Same goes for homes where the only/best TV space available also blocks the room's windows/view.

Yes, but that's not all: When I was a child, my Grandmother jokingly asked me if I knew that I was a birthday present for my father. When I said "But Daddy's birthday is September 3rd", She replied "Yes sweetheart, that's because your Mother is always late to EVERYTHING."

My birthday is September 4th. I want to thank you heartily for helping me realize that I was most likely conceived due to a round of "birthday sex" between my mother and father. The visuals are SO lovely and I thank you for that as well.