
This poses no problem for me because while I LOVE wrapping gifts, I am awful when it comes to traditional gift-wrapping skills. People can always tell a gift is from me because it will come either:

True story: 2011 New Year's Eve Party. Piss drunk off of my part of the 10th bottle of Champagne. Spent a frantic one-eyed 15 minutes searching for a contact lens (the very last one from a 3 years-past expired prescription) I'd just lost - which happened to "miraculously" drop into a friend's just-happened-to-be-open

Now playing

Ok, I have to say that I have NEVER heard this "Christmas Shoes" song, and therefore feel I am truly blessed. I looked it up on youtube, but found THIS first, and now understand that I needn't go any further.

omg I HATE that song. Thank you for reminding me. None of the other songs listed really bug me except "Do They It's Christmas".

Ok, new Pet Peeve:

"Who Let 'Chu In My Kitchen?!?" is going to be my other catch phrase of 2012.

Dammit kittehs! You're ruining my THIGHLIGHTS!!!

I have nothing mature, constructive, or witty to say. I just wanted it recognized that the Pope is starting to resemble Sophia Petrillo. Picture him with a piece of cheesecake and Bea Arthur standing over him and you'll see what I mean.

The irony is, when Jerice Hunter first made the claim that "Jhessye's story isn't getting as much attention as it would if she were a missing white girl", some people rationalized the difference in how the case was handled as: "Most likely People Magazine and other tabloids run the story nationally because a good

What I want to know is:

+ 1

Yeah but if she took a creative writing or songwriting course, she'd at least learn to recognize and choose better songs from the ones they are offering her.

I don't feel like we should let Fox News squick us out just because it's the first thing THEIR dirty little minds travel to. I see an older model and a younger model in lingerie. It is nowhere near Mother's Day and I didn't see anything on Lake and Stars website referring to a Mother/Daughter situation. They just

I have to say that I've become accustomed to her, and I'm okay if she wants to continue down this road...mainly because I don't listen to mainstream radio and there's no chance I will involuntarily hear anything she releases. In her own way she's very cute and adorable.

I lol'ed! absolutely hearted for this.

Well, I guess these are MUCH better than my usual technique of wrapping the scarf around and around and tucking the ends away! :)

Frankly Dr. Homer, I'd much rather have hazel eyes with green flecks than blue ones, so yeah... let me know when you get around to that.

NO you definitely are NOT alone in that one. The first time I saw him on Boston Legal I let out an endless string of OMGWTFJames,WTFs over the loss of the original Hot Ginge.

That's exactly what I saw. After reading the post, I thought: "What kind of fool gives out his password to a drawing of an obviously fake Lindsay Lohan?" And when I say "Obviously Fake", I mean healthy looking.

Wellll, I mean, you know - as far as costumes go, whenever there's a "Mrs." costume it usually serves as a hint that there's also a complimenting "Mr." costume available in case couples want to go out as a matched set.