
who checks in at the airport?

Well thank, I'm currently stroking myself to your adulation.

You're probably right about that. Or he checked in and had to check luggage. If it's the latter, I've done it many times despite being there less than an hour early. Know your airport is crucial here because some will make a stink of it and some won't.

Good luck. They will give away your seat and keep your money. HAHAHAHA refunded his money. You haven't flown at all in some time. Refunds when you get there late . . . that's rich!

Actually not relevant and I can't get that time back. Please filter your posts better.

But would you give a cello"s fuck?

If you fly once a year, yeah get there hours ahead of time, people who travel for a living often arrive with less than an hour. By often I mean, weekly.

I do it all the time.

I fly roughly 300k miles a year almost all of it international. I check in online and arrive 45 mins to an hour early at the airport. If you're a frequent flier with TSA preclearance, there is little need to be there an hour early, much less 2. But the caveat is know your airport. You have to know which ones will

I am going to buy one then. This will be my answer to SF rents!

Agreed. I want to father her next child!

Where is the update that they cut him? Kinda kills your narrative and makes it look like a quick to anger rant of a bra burner.

Agreed. If you're 15 rows up maybe, but less than that, hunker down it's going to get rough.

I also love they are "surprised" the baby starts balling at say 3000 feet. Right when my ears pop. Maybe, just maybe, a baby can't get their ears to pop and they spend the majority of the flight in fucking pain, not to mention confusion.

P.A.D. People are dumb.

Hmm. Wonder if the author ever played Tomb Raider? How would that affect her opinion, just is clearly flawless.

Was my first thought when I reached the bottom. No dangerous toy list is complete with the toy that required one to throw a sharp aerodynamic object into the air and watch it come down with cranium piercing speed.

Too easy. Plus if truck/car confusion is all you got, then you have to throw in El Ranchero and Suburu Brat, Ford Aztec, eh. There is a litany of these.

Your post illustrates the disconnect that is fucking our nation. The incomprehensible separation between social discontent and our real issues. The game has nothing to do with the situation. There is no tastelessness in the game. It is a game. By its very nature it is a fantasy. Perhaps if we could focus our

seems reasonable to me!