
My point is that many 43% of the US population was already using the internet before smartphones. By 2007, the year the fist iPhone was released internet adoption rate was already at 75%, today it stands at 88%. So, smartphones have had pretty near zero impact on the adoption of the internet.

I truely hope you’re kidding. By 2000 43% of the US had internet. I don’t remeber too many smart phones in 2000, I mean palm and backberry where in the ball park, but hardly a smart phone.

I love this argument, “If they don’t understand HOW it works, they must not understand how to use it.” I would venture to guess most people don’t know how electricity is made and how it gets to their house, yet here they are typing away at this magic gizmo that send words accross the world. I’d venture to guess Donald

I disagree that you couldn’t build a case to extend wifi into the woods. You’re bad camp counselor.

Where is all this man’s furniture?!

Of course. That’s the crime of these fake dream mills. They sell you on amazing careers and charge you double what a CC would, then give you the same or less quality education as a CC. I for one will be happy to see these predatory thieves out of business.

I think if you’re not from here and don’t understand the dynamics of our education system, it may be wise to bow out of this convo.

How about increasing enrollment numbers, endowment size, university prestige, articles, studies, and books published to name a few.

Don’t get too cute. Most public schools don’t focus on giving the best education possible.

But it does. What if he paid 2x or 4x what you did. You think that wouldn’t matter?

Well teachers don’t make money. How will all those STEM kids learn STEM skills. Real bright you are.

congrats you’re written that shocking post that no one else had the balls to say. Now go bro out, douchekin.

But community colleges are ran by states and don’t have the marketing means to buy every other tv spot from 10 pm to 5 am.

You said he needs to figure out why. I’m saying that’s not necessary anymore. He’s a single dude and can act like every other dick pic deliverer on snap, tinder, happn, etc.

Not anymore. Once he’s single, it’s just modern dating.

It feels like common sense can tell a person when it’s ok to send them. I find it funny that a lot of women say “no one ever wants to see a dick pic.” Yet I find that a lot of women ask for them. So, which is it. No dick pics, or yes dick pics?

I was thinking the same thing. He has to have some find of deep depression or addiction to keep doing this. And on the the same medium, FFS. I mean he’s not dumb . . . so? Has to be a serious psychological issue that drives this behavior.

I think you’re pointing your hate gun in the wrong direction. If there’s a sicko in this story it isn’t trump’s people.

I was surprised that you didn’t get more backlash on your comment. I guess the ire of the people is light today. I do find it your entire argument, well, stupid.
