Solid advice.
Solid advice.
Speaking as a person that has been wrongfully arrested and doesn’t deal well with abuse.
thank god for the TSA! What we would do with their steady hand guiding us through troubled waters of travel risk.
Wtf? If you’re all adults then you just courteously inform people that you’re hoping to get busy on a given night, and you all work together to pretend that you don’t hear or see anything untoward... Maybe that means that the non-participants make alternate sleeping arrangements, but it doesn’t mean that you take…
One of the best defensive players in my football league is 38! I have no clue how he gets so goddamn many picks but he ALWAYS does.
Are you not?
Did they stop mid romp to raise the front window?
Why is no one asking how the windows fog up with the front window completely down? Did they stop mid romp to raise the front window? If not, fat chance of steaming up the windows! This is the real insult to our intelligence.
No, it’s been established. The creepiest thing to say would be, “There she is.”
Interesting. I’ll out myself as an old here, but lifestyle magazines like cosmo and its ilk used to recommend that guys thank their lovers. I always thought it was weird. Tried it a few times, didn’t feel as weird as I thought it would, but never really felt natural to me.
You’ve obviously not been the lone dude at an Applebees in suburban strip mall of hell in any town of boredom. Or the guy who unknowingly took a really hot girlfriend to a sex positive club (read cool place where a lot of experimental couples frequent). If you had, you too would immediately associate the following: 1)…
I think I was seen by a doctor in his office maybe twice between the ages of 20 and 60, excepting occasional employment physicals. Since age 60, I’ve learned what a co-pay is, paid my own insurance premiums, and eventually migrated into Medicare plus a M’care supplement. One year, I spent about $7,000 on co-pays for…
I think this is the issue with our political climate, no one acknowledges the economic pit of quick sand the country is in. But make no mistake there are millions of people who are worse off now than 10 years ago. It’s just a fact. There is an entire generation of college graduates that came into the softest…
You and your company sound like pussies. I spent 6 years traveling to SP every three months as an executive. Did it for a Fortune 1000 company. No insurance, no security, no in-room hiding, and it was awesome. I ran in the mornings along their central park area. I met with executives at Vivo, Telefonica, Embratel,…
It’s not common at all and I don’t know any corporate types who use any more security in Brazil than they do elsewhere in the world. This is the first kidnapping in the news in many years. Jalopnik readers need to wipe the cow shit off their boots and learn about other countries.
As an American who lives in Europe and travels with his Spanish wife around the world extensively, that's just patently contrary to my experience. It's one thing to be in Marrakesh and have people try to entice you into something you don't want. I only know one person who has been nearly murdered abroad. And it was in…