
Ha! That's rich. The guy that's spent all morning attacking people and posting maybe 50 posts defending xfit because the article said it was "bad for you." Says I'm sensitive. Ha! It's entertaining, I'll give you that.

Once again you're wrong. This all started for me, when you jumped all over flamewar655's shit. In a very typical Xfitter way, questioning his knowledge of lifts, suggesting he doesn't even do olympic lifts, probably has bad form, etc. Just jumped his shit because he had the audacity to write that he uses

No I don't think I am confusing things. I know what a hook grip is and I know that it can be used for a lot of olympic lifts. But unless you specify which lift, the question is a fallacy. For example if we are talk about deadlifts, a lot of people prefer the mixed grip as opposed to the hook grip. So if you asked

"That program doesn't own these exercises" lol! Yeah, they've been around since the fucking greeks decided to hold their games. I love that Xfit seems to have simultaneously commandeered the work outs of olympic lifters and forgotten where they came from.

I guess I have to move on. The point is that it is a fallacy to ask some what their fingers are doing during an olympic lift. It is similar to asking someone what they do with their hands during a track and field event.

If Xfit is the gold standard for form, then there are going to be a lot of injured people . . . oh wait . . . there are.

Did you actually click the link or read my post? It seem the link lists out more "olympic lifst" than I did. Therefore proving that it is completely asinine to ask someone "what their fingers are doing during an olympic lift," given that it would be different based on which olympic lift you're doing. Your fingers

And your fucking pull ups. Unless there is no other bar in the gym, please don't waste the rack doing shitty ass half bent chin ups.

What's an olympic left? Do you mean a power clean? A snatch? A clean and jerk? A clean and press. I'm thrown off because each of the foregoing has a different approach. And if you knew what the hell you were talking about you'd never ask anyone how they do an olympic lift. I mean unless they learned at some

Agreed. Plus work in some super-sets and max out days and heavy cardio. I like crossfit plenty, but anyone who thinks they've invent something new is just new to weightlifting.

You're be the first coach in the history of coaching that thinks bad form doesn't lead to injury.

There are very few items in a crossfit gyms you can't find in a normal gym. hell, I can often repeat crossfit workout in hotel gyms.

I would disagree with this. Firstly, most crossfitters don't do heavy lifts, excepting the elites. Secondly, most of the crossfit gyms I have seen have one may two trainers for any where from 20 to 40 crossfitters. No way in hell, everyone is getting proper supervision. Beyond that, people DO get hurt dispite all

I agree. I find it amusing that one has to pay $150 a month (that's what they charge in my area) to do burpees and pull ups. Oh wait, I forgot they also do power cleans, clean jerks, dead-lifts and squats. Hmm yeah, I can do all that at my local gym for 20 bucks a month. I think what they have been successful at

So, dick pics are not universally desired by all women? Gonna have to do some apologizing to the church group.

You seriously put of a real rapist vibe man.

Sorry man, the world is not black and white. Yes, it would have been better if she shut it down on the spot, but news flash, some people find that hard to do. Also, she clearly was still processing. Have you never experienced a moment and didn't realized it bothered you until later? You sound like a rapist. If