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It’s a really interesting story. The Gaming Historian did a really great video about it a few years ago. 

No it isn’t. We’re telling people how this helps fuel a bigot. How she uses the support and money she gets to justify her anti-trans views. And these people who claim to be allies and claim to be for trans rights balk at the first thing that inconveniences them. So many excuses of “Oh this was my childhood. Oh the

Yeah, we should definitely just shut up, not defend trans people, and just let people play the video game associated with one of the most famous bigots in the modern world.

The disinformation campaign claiming we’re bullying streamers is coming straight from people like Ben Shapiro.

Henry Ford has been dead for 76 slutty, slutty years.

Yeah, choosing your own enjoyment and profit over showing a modicum of support for marginalized people is a bad thing.

this whole article comes off as a guilt trip”

I’m going to level with you. I don’t much care for it when people try to police my rhetoric. I have no interest in altering my tone to be more appealing to the kind of people who prefer I not say anything as opposed to saying it politely. Because what those kind of people are really asking is that I say it in a manner

Funny, I never said you said you were going to buy it either.

I’m such an incredible bag of dicks that it apparently compels you to be an even bigger bag of dicks by going out and hurting trans people by financially supporting a transphobe.

One just could not justify their points. The other got so bent that, instead of admiting to have confused “playing” for “buying”, pivoted their entire argument to a silly “AND WHO SAID YOU CAN SPEAK FOR ME?!” strawman.

And to think, when the bar for being bad is so low it’s literally not playing a video game, and you can’t even reach that.

I am aware that:


It’s news to me too since I said “play” not “buy.”

And to think, all you would need to do to help them is NOT to play a video game, and you couldn’t even not do that.

Playing a terf game is not what I would call “incredibly wholesome.”

Maybe you actually should feel guilty about defending the nazi propaganda game. But you just created the account to make this comment, so “shame” is not likely a thing you experience.

You are a shitty person. Why should anyone coddle you for your shitty behavior? You act shitty, you get made to feel shitty.

Yeah, sorry, but I don’t have a lot of sympathy for the people who have been brought to tears just because they want to play a video game as opposed to the people literally being murdered just for wanting to exist.