
GameFAQs by way of ChatGPT, is my guess. So: much, MUCH worse, yes.

My guess is that they’re getting as much “training material” as they can before they fire all of the writers and use an AI trained on these “guides” so they can run the site without any staff at all (which they can then sell as a money-making asset, instead of an unprofitable encumbrance).

Because some people don’t know, yet. Since Kotaku hasn’t covered the topic, I’m happy to inform them.

reminder that this website sucks:

reminder that this website sucks:

reminder that this website sucks:

reminder that this website sucks:

reminder that this website sucks:

None that I’m aware of, unfortunately. Hopefully some other commenters can recommend something?

reminder that this website sucks:

reminder that this website sucks:

reminder that this website sucks:

reminder that this website sucks:

And having your complaint complained about. You don’t need to defend it; you’re just a rando online. The complainer isn’t trying to solve your problem, they’re just complaining.

Every journalist that is still on twitter contributes to twitter having any value whatsoever. Fuck off with that ‘woe is me, I wish I could quit but my job!!!’ bullshit. Get off of Twitter, start making noise on any other social network, and wait for the slow motherfuckers to catch up. If you’re still on Twitter, now,

It’s incredible how bad this is. A pivotal, era-and-genre-defining moment from the original game is now an incomprehensible mish-mash of multiversal woo that doesn’t even have the guts to show the most important death in the narrative.

Yeah, I don’t know that I’d show them the door, but I would at least have some loaner copies so I could tell the interviewee “go play the prerequisites and come back for another interview, if you’d like”.

Awesome thing for extreme conditions! This is absolutely fantastic!

Yeah that Engoron ruling might hit pretty differently now. Either they just teed up a big piggybank for the damages to be dispersed from, or they just made Trump a part owner of a company that will get dissolved because of Trump’s ownership of it.
