
I think I’d prefer “the website at twitter.com” as a way to re-empasize that he hasn’t changed where the app is hosted. It disincludes the fake name, “X”, altogether, and is a slight reminder that he doesn’t own the x.com domain.

That’s what’s killing me about these changes. The game was meaningful in a bunch of different ways; not just to the creator whom wrote a lot of it while engaged with his personal issues around death, but also to the gamers who were just playing a game. It’s not so rare as to be astonishing, or anything, but a lot of

sorry you had to read so much only to still not provide any examples. sucks to suck, I guess.

I find the ‘pop culture influence’ to be a little bit surface level, or vaccuous, but only because I think pop culture only really resonates when it’s reflecting (usually somewhat hyperbolically, or with archetypes) what people see in their daily life. So the net effect is the same: we end up valorizing lunatics. But

Oh neat! Blind spot! I had never seen this before; my introduction to the joke was a meme on 4Chan back in ‘04. I can’t find it in a quick google search, but it was a black lab-looking dog with a little white around his nose and whiskers (looked like from age) sitting at a PC and looking kind of confused but sly at

It was a parody of another comment that was a reply to you, so it was addressed appropriately for that intent. Sorry for any confusion!

I’m all for wasting time on bullshit, if you’ve got the resources to waste on it. One of my favorite past times! And I’m not being snide or sarcastic. God, if I were rich, you know how much stupid bullshit I would invest in just to see what we could find out?

nobody said anything about ‘believing’ anything the government says. I was talking about what hard evidence we have of anything alien that isn’t a wink and a nudge toward what it might imply. feel free to provide anything you have, robot. i love when the conspiratorially minded think that they’re not being controlled

I’d be more interested if DeLonge wasn’t a full on ‘believer’. He seems to honestly believe that the government has been hiding smoking guns and that never gets shaken even when the government holds congressional hears and says “yeah, here’s the stupid bullshit we have” and it shows no smoking guns.

If anything, it’s not Kotaku’s decision to tell people how they’re supposed to enjoy a piece of entertainment, but through posting spoilers in the headline/cover image they force people into their own way of thinking without any sort of consideration for people who wish to avoid spoilers.

Aww, what happened to that “fuck this post and this blog” energy, kiddo? All tuckered out from your crying? There there, little baby, you just rock yourself on to sleep now.

The best time to switch was years ago. The second best time to switch is right now.

I’m really glad you chose to have your childish tantrum about the space fantasies that you like to enjoy in just your little specific way, right out in public and so passionately. You usually only find that kind of lack of self-awareness in bad sitcoms, so it’s fantastic and hilarious to see a real-life example!

Look man, I adamantly refuse to find out anything else about OP and insist that the suggestion that I find out more for such a ‘nothing story’ is akin to a moralistic haranguing by the professionally outraged - but all of that said I have a very strong opinion that OP is a fucking tool.

I left Unity some years ago, before they started all of this shittiness, just because there was a better alternative. Now there’s at least two better alternatives (Godot is no Unreal, by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a damn fine game editor), with some awesome second-tier stuff (Bevy and Hazel are both

I can’t remember a time I’ve ever seen such an amount of raw power exercised in such an unencumbered way. I can’t begin to tell you how she has developed the bonds of her legion, but it’s incredible to me what she has accomplished. And made even more incredible by her intentions, which have seemed pretty good any time

It’s wild to watch someone so adamantly refuse to come to terms with how much they want to comment about their assumptions, instead of on whatever actual information they’re willing to gather.

Definitely feels like a missed opportunity to not have it play a game.

Not that he has a chance in hell, but I bet Disney is going to appreciate dragging a GOP presidential candidate over the legal coals for a free speech violation in the middle of his campaign. Even if it doesn’t change anything, it’ll get desantis all salty, and that’s fantastic.

It was always “skyrim in space”, right from the start, so I’m not up in arms about it being exactly that. But it’s nice to get confirmation. I must admit that even though I hate Bethesda and thought this game would be too similar to Skyrim, I did have some optimism that I was just being biased or uncharitable. So it’s