
lol. no one said that, bootlicker.

Fingers crossed that his continued shitting up of Twitter will get him into enough legal trouble that he’s humbled sooner rather than later. No chance someone that rich gets anything worse than a wrist slap, but he’s pissed off enough bureaucrats that they can do some financial damage.

I would be right there with you, had the article not reminded me that he actually did sue the CDCH. As best as I can pattern-match, it seems like as long as there isn’t a decent chance of Elon having to testify under oath, he is dumb enough to actually file bullshit lawsuits. But, of course, it’s also true that he is

Can’t imagine this lawsuit has any purpose other than to expose to Elon how the ADL tabulated its data (sources, metrics, methods, etc) so that he can build ways to game that data. Also can’t imagine he’d be willing to be deposed, for it, so here’s hoping the ADL can either get him deposed or can keep a meaningful

boring answer: because it’s actually pretty easy to do, development wise, if you intent to support it from the start, and consumers - for whatever reason - fucking eat that shit up.

I think a lot of the defense of switching to Unreal kind of ignores all the development that has already been done to add the features needed to Cyberpunk.

Have you used both?

Same. I’ve started reading headlines like this with more optimism, though. To me, it reads like “Starfield has performance issues on the Nintendo Switch (the one that gets first-party patching support, so it will almost certainly have decent performance in the future)“

Modest spec bump, near-2x price bump? Add Lenovo to the list of “companies that think people want a funky, game-playing laptop, rather than a handheld ‘console’ machine”.

Pour one out for Crackle.

happening on Firefox, as well.

*chef’s kiss*

lol. die mad about it.

Not bothered by your thinking; “bothered” by your dismissal. Your very first response to me dismissed me, so I responded in kind. You get what you give. After that, it was antagonism, so, again, response in kind. Now it’s advice, so here’s your return: you’re the one who immediately assumed a well-known genre term was

Yes it did. My “very small circle” extended from Northern California to East Texas across multiple companies (and disciplines! big projects mean lots of third party help). So I’m sorry you didn’t know about it, but people have been using the term since at least 2007. That’s not when these games came out, because

It just sounds dumb because “boomer” doesn’t even refer[...]

The point I was making was that the term has other origins than strict agism. If you choose to accept it only as the agist, rather than the descriptive, that’s your prerogative. I don’t care how hurt you get about it; you’re more than welcome to let it get to you as deeply as you want.

Entirely beside the point, but it would be pretty awesome if someone at Bethesda worked in a backward car, like is pictured in this AI-generated image. I mean, I would fully expect the snark and derision that Fallout can heap onto a target, when it wants to make a point. And this particular affront of

If it makes either of you feel better, I remember using the term back at THQ well before the term “boomer” was a youthful shorthand for “baby boomer” and used as an age guide.

I’m sure OP honestly believes this shit because OP comes across as stupid enough to buy the most childlike, simplistic version of a story. But, pathetic as it is, it’s still pretty funny to watch them be so serious about it. Like watching a toddler fumble around and whine over things well beyond their understanding.