
Without reading the article, let my NES-nostalgic heart say from its bottom: Fuck you, Luke!

Neither strange, nor niche, nor particularly concerning if “death” equates to “kinja ignominy”. I made a joke and recontextulized it for someone after they mistook it for snarky passive aggression. I know the internet makes weird lenses of all our monitors, but on my end I made a really stupid “the bandage is wound

lol. tell me u don’t know how kinja works without telling me...

Well, to be clear, I have the opposite reaction: I don’t want us to have higher standards now. It seems to me that, like walking paths, the best course of action is to meet people where they are. That’s bound to wind up with problems and contradictions, but there’s no silver bullet for that; people are shitty in all

Hate to break it to you, but I never said (or implied) otherwise. Check your inferences, friend. The fact that they mean the same thing doesn’t stop it from being stupid that they mean the same thing. Making fun of that fact, just like with literally/figuratively or flammable/inflammable, does not necessitate

The nauseous headline has left me nauseated. Were it more active, it might be nauseating, but its nauseousness has already occurred leaving only nausea.

The punishment is the user-traffic. It’s the only one social media cares about. The hope is that if there is no news that is useful to people, the people will go elsewhere, where they can find useful news. It’s not a bad gambit, but people like to assume that it disregards network effects which makes them think it’s a

Always happy to see another story about a new generation of gamers ascending to the idea that everything they considered “good” about a game was actually everything BUT gameplay. Coming up with classic JRPGs, and wishing they were more action-oriented, it was Ocarina of Time that did it for me; realized just how much

Big difference in “I am making contextually-appropriate links/citations/etc in my content” and “I consist solely of links to other people’s intellectual property, yet I extract more value out of people trying to find that content than the people who actually make that content.”

Google is the bad guy here based on a very simple equation: they get money for their search results, even if the search is specifically for a news article from a news outlet, and they don’t pay any of that money to the outlet, the author, or anyone else.

Was hoping someone was going to post the early research of Dr. Rick Starkey!

Didn’t you know? Dickless, over here, is the only true Scotsman.

Yeah, going to have to disagree with you. I still have the old Game Informer issue reviewing it. Here’s an excerpt:

lol, right? It was advertised as the culmination of what Final Fantasy had always been leading up to.

I always pretend that they get paid to do it. It makes so much more sense than them being so inconceivably stupid that they can’t understand the complaint, or that they are so pathetically invested that they will waste your time with technicalities about the complaint rather than engage with you head on about the

Not gonna lie, a weird little toy that could speak with the synthesized voice of, say, Seth Rogan or Charlie Day would be a delightful method to get ChatGPT information from. Especially if it did little “emotes” to emphasize its answers.

We’re done here.

lol. Alright, I gotcha. You don’t understand the market the SteamDeck is in (also don’t have the real sales numbers, apparently).

local man can’t understand latin, lashes out against anything that reminds him how he estranged his own family. more as it develops.

It’s weird how desperate you seem to be to believe that the SteamDeck can’t compete with playstation or xbox, given that Steam has more users than all consoles, combined. The SteamDeck’s issue is notoriety, not performance, value, or form-factor. Every single person I’ve ever talked to about it was excited for it,