
I remember when I found out it would be expiring so soon (5 years ago), I wrote up an outline treatment and satisfied myself with the story beats. It really is just star-crossed lovers, so it’s easy to graft on whatever else you want to explore (a bit like jazz sessions of the great american song book). But, a little

I swear to god, trying to get people to understand this, in the gaming industry, is impossible. They just can’t fathom that the vast majority of people not only don’t want to play console games, but that they NEVER want to play a console game. I’ve made tens of thousands of dollars on games that “are too simple” or

Can’t wait until these dumb motherfuckers get the reddit they deserve, with power hungry dipshits running the whole mess right into the ground. “fuck the mods” indeed. Fucking children.

Before Theil/Hogan and Private Equity. I agree, it was nice before billionaires ruined everything. Still not terrible, but a far cry from yesteryear.

lol! cope harder you fucking npc.

If it helps you come to terms with it, you’re continuing ner conflation of the axes of gameplay with the axes of the rendering engine. Link can “jump” into a faked third dimension in the game, but he’s being directly manipulated in a 2D space.

This is a pretty common misconception, but Sonic’s gameplay isn’t “platforming”, it’s “momentum” (and, specifically NOT “speed”). Moving Sonic adeptly is about using the same forces as moving - say - a Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater character proficiently. It’s about recognizing the forces that gain you speed and spill your

Gonna disagree with my peers here and say that “fuck the empire” would have worked better.


First of all, you’re the one imposing the outrageous limits. “Gate the requests” doesn’t mean put every single request behind a gate. It means make sure that when you’re serving each request, that request has been paid for either in debt-accrual, or from previous credit. Most newspapers are gated, now. Doesn’t mean

Oh yeah. Like I said: old paradigms, repurposed for modern content. It’s why devs keep saying dumb shit like “SSR is basically PHP again”, or “Aha! NoDB has looped back around to basically be structured data again”.

Our solution was to send content as its data type (videos as .mp4s or whatever other h.264 format a video element would natively play), but to send advertisements as encrypted chunks that had to be decoded with the client’s private key and only then would they be able to feed that decrypted chunk to a player. The

lol. “irony”

caring about trolling you is not caring about what you have to say

where did you say anything at all? and who cares?

Regardless of whatever flaws this game may or may not have, I would love to be able to show a kid in 1990 that A) Mortal Kombat is still kicking the same kind of ass (don’t have to tell the kid it’s been through awkward phases), and B) it’s going to look like this. Blow that little gamer’s mind. At least, it would

it’s cool. not everyone understands good media. or why it was written. what it all means. play with the toys they are making for you (above) if you aren’t able to keep up.

Yep. Perpetually weakened storytelling, one massive swing at a time.

lol. oh well i guess the story’s perfect then. fucking idiot.

cool. i guess the story is really good, actually.