

Loving the new assets! Only a matter of time, now, until we get that sweet sweet fan game, Final Fantasy VII Restored, which plays like the original game and leaves the story the fuck alone.

You’re free to ignore the fact that it’s a fairy tale, but that’s the height of ignoring the hard canon. The movie starts with “a long time ago in a [kingdom] far, far away...”; the tropes are just as important as the dialog. If they weren’t, the dialog would be utterly fucking ridiculous. In the context of a fairy

a) it IS a dramatic retcon because Luke being the ‘only’ Jedi was important because of Luke’s training. There was Ben, who could train him but died. And then there was Yoda. But this was it. No more chances. Once Yoda’s gone, Luke is the only one left to carry on the Jedi. Even Leia being force sensitive doesn’t fix

I mean, I take the point, but that line was a ‘twist(ish) reveal’ line meant to soften a character moment later in the story and cap that sequence with a moment. I don’t think it was ever intended to imply that Luke might fail in his destiny and that their “other hope” would have to take up his fate. If you really

Retconning is bad storytelling. I mean, I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said, I just think it’s very unpleasant storytelling to go “this happened; Ah, and then it didn’t quite happen how you pictured it, but that’s on you, not me; Actually, it’s quite a bit different than how you pictured it, now, but we’re

I’m lucky enough to have built a web api for a medium-sized company, with enough freedom to do it well (meaning, they were willing to pay the high price for quality work), and I can tell you that it’s all a matter of foresight.

Exactly. The reason it’s “bad” that “so many” jedi survived the purge is not because it makes Yoda a liar. It’s because it’s BAD STORYTELLING. Luke is important because he was the last hope of the jedi. There were no more. Ben and Yoda couldn’t beat Darth Vader, or the Emperor. But this LAST HOPE could be not only

Hell yeah!

I personally find it ironic that people were MOST concerned about companies using AI art to rip off artists and - at least in what I’m seeing - the first volleys seem to be bad actor “artists” that are trying to rip off companies looking for artists.

Given Konami’s history, I hope this thing fucking bombs. Fuck Konami.

I think my official opinion here is that a company should only condone someone selling a mod if that company, themselves, would feel comfortable putting that quality of work and service on sale.

Remind us why it shouldn’t be?

I’ve seen the other two before, so I’ll let others work them out in the comments; but I haven’t seen the fish one before, so I’m proposing an answer to that below.

Once again, a stunt that favors capitalists - which he is and fully supports - rather than values the people whom it purports to benefit.

I think when this kid realizes that no matter how smart he thinks he is, or how incompatible with “society” that he tries to be, he will be ground down and forced to live within it, just like the rest of us, he’s gonna be pretty likely to eat a bullet. 27 seems to be the magic age when that clicks for these types. I

Yeah. It’s always a bummer, but when those kinds of personalities leave, things are going to have to change.

I have to say, personally, the departure of Raph Colantonio feels like the elephant in the room with Arkane. Everything that has been produced that he didn’t have creative input on seems pretty lacking. I was never the biggest fan of his artistic aspirations (I dislike both Prey and the Dishonored series), but it

Yeah. I’d amend it to say that they can only make good stuff when no one cares about it. VS Code is a damn fine code editor. But as soon as MS realized one of its teams made something awesome, they set about fucking it up and not learning any lessons from it to apply to Visual Studio. They do that all the time. Plenty