
Nobody cares about your personal preferences; the topic is anti competitive behavior and corporate overreach. You like the company? Go tell them about it. Here, you’ll only get dismissed to the greys, kiddo.

No, the “nope” is certain that the Ally, at any realistic price point, won’t be “major competition” for the Steam Deck, because they won’t sell at a loss. That’s just how consumer purchasing trends work. For whatever reason, being able to hit that low price point matters; YES, even if ‘nobody’ buys that low price

The saddest part of all of this is that Edge is a good browser, and I would happily reccomend it for most users. At least, it WAS a good browser. Until they started layering in this kind of bullshit. It was even getting a little bit of a reputation as a dark horse. Ignored, but actually better than Chrome, in some

Yep. And, weirdly, it doesn’t change anything. Nobody would be buying a Steam Deck, at all, if there wasn’t a $400 option. It would have been pitched, and then been made fun of as being too expensive; it would have been released and all the pricing memes would do the rounds while Valve was trying to patch those early

 I suppose we’ll see. I’m not afraid to predict that the Ally won’t make a dent in Steam sales. Not on any price point. There’s a community effect and it’s in Valve’s favor here. Both in platform and in public conscious. My “only gamer, not a PC gamer” boss has and is super-amped for the Steam Deck. He’s completely

I don’t think anyone’s overlooking any of that. I think even if we consider those factors (and their corollaries, such as how you can run everything you listed on a Steam Deck, if you want), the price point is too high for it to be a real competitor for the Steam Deck. Gamers get in their feels about it, but the fact

From the headline:

Nope. Gabe understood that the price HAS to be sub-$500, and would only really move product if the price was sub-$400. I couldn’t tell you why these are the trends, but I’ve seen the analytics. Consoles are king in gaming because they’re a locked-in platform with guaranteed working games, and they’re a single-purchase

neither abk nor microsoft have unionized. offices have unionized. teams have unionized. but the vast majority of labor at both microsoft and abk are not unionized. even the fucking raven union wont be ‘recognized’ until ‘after the merger’. just look at the abk workers alliance website.

When your quarry is known to run to ground, leave no ground to run to.

“can’t specify” isn’t the same as “not specifying”. you had a chance at reasonable conversation and elected otherwise. if they really wanted better working conditions, they’d unionize. i have zero sympathy for workadays waiting for scraps from daddy capitalists.

oh yes. fuck anyone who wanted this deal to go through. and double-fuck anyone that wanted it who would have profited from it.

lol. sorry the boots can’t form an even bigger boot for you to lick! hope you feel better about it soon.

Or, even simpler, was this just the only scenario that Strange could see as successful because in many other successful scenarios, he died? They play a little fast and loose with the “see beyond your death” thing, given the Ancient One’s little postumous message, but I think the general gist is that if you get killed,

We don’t often agree, but when we do, it’s because someone has a dumber take than even the BOTH of us. Hard to believe, I know, but here we are.

Yep. Disney waited as long as it could, to collect as much evidence as possible on this “retaliation” so that they could start a discovery that may last for years. More evidence, more blind alleys that their lawyers will force the suit to run down. Every detail will be scrutinized, every possibility will be

Sweet! Looking forward to the EU and the FTC following suit!

I don’t see much support for this, but I refuse to believe I’m unique here: I don’t particularly dislike binge dumps, like Netflix commonly releases, but I see the value of releasing over a long period of time. I DO NOT want them to switch to a weekly model, because that has problems of its own. What I would like is

Could also be “Airman Musk”, like a pilot? He’s delusional enough to think of himself that way...

Yeah, I was wondering what this had to do with trademark. I was hoping to see whatever stupid trademark BAYC has on these stupid apes; how it was possibly a trademark and how it could have been violated by a derivative product. None of that made any sense.